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20040203: IDV - Windows XP - Using local GRIB files

>From: "Herm Wojdylak" <address@hidden>
>Organization: WNI
>Keywords: 200402032305.i13N5kYb010319

Hi Herm-

>Institution: Weathernews, Inc. / Marketing
>Package Version: 1.0.1
>Operating System: Windows XP
>Hardware Information: Pentium 4 - 2.4 Ghz
>Inquiry: I have just started using IDV and can't find a way to use GRIB data s
> tored locally. The data is 1x1 degree GFS GRIB data. I can find the file cont
> aining the GRIB data using the Files/Urls tab in the Data Source Selection wi
> ndow, but when I try to open the file I get the error message
> "Unable to create data source for the file"
>In the "Data source type" menu, there is no entry to indicate that the data ty
> pe is GRIB. Will IDV handle the 1x1 GFS GRIB data?

The IDV does not yet read GRIB files directly.  It's on our list of
things to do.  At Unidata, we decode the data into netCDF files.  You
could also GRIB files using the GrADS-DODS Server (GDS), but we don't
have much experience with that system.

IDV is an open-source project, so if WNI writes a GRIBDataSource and
would like to contribute it back to the community, that would be great.

Don Murray