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20010629: No NNEXRAD


I looked at Cornell's stats and see that all their products are
arriving with >1 hour latency (except McIDAS) for last hour.

I've forwarded the info on to Jeff Weber to see if he can contact Cornell.

Steve Chiswell
Unidta User Support

>From: Robert Ballentine <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200106292034.f5TKYJ105642

>   For some reason, I am no longer receiving NEXRAD data via IDD.  I was
>getting it until about 03Z last night, but then it died.  I have included
>my ldmd.conf file below.  Any help about this will be appreciated.
>   Thanks,
>   Bob Ballentine
># $Id: ldmd.conf,v 1.13 2000/07/05 22:25:05 russ Exp $
># Sample ldmd.conf for ldm5
># This is the main configuration file for the LDM server. All lines that start
># with a "#" sign are comments.
># To debug an LDM that hangs on start up, run the following from LDM home:
># % bin/rpc.ldmd -vl - -q data/ldm.pq etc/ldmd.conf
># If the LDM still hangs, comment out all lines in this file except noted
># allow line entry below, try again.
> #
># Exec Entries
> #
># Programs that can share a queue with rpc.ldmd server, these programs
># are started by the "exec" command and are in the same process group.
>exec   "pqbinstats -d /var/data/ldm/logs -q /var/data/ldm/ldm.pq"
>exec   "pqact"
>#exec  "pqsurf"
> #
># Request Entries
> #
># LDM5 servers request data from Data Sources
>#      request <feedset> <pattern> <hostname pattern>
>#request WMO ".*" uni0.unidata.ucar.edu
>request IDS|DDPLUS|FSL2        ".*"    snow.cit.cornell.edu
>request HDS    "(^[B-FHJ-NQRTUW-Z])|(^A[A-FH-Z])|(^IUP)|(^S[A-CEG-Z])" snow.ci
> t.cornell.edu 
>request NLDN   ".*"    striker.atmos.albany.edu
>request NNEXRAD        "/p...(BGM|BUF)"                snow.cit.cornell.edu
> #
># Allow Entries
>allow ANY              snow.cit.cornell.edu
> #
># Giving permission for a Data Sink to perform a request to your LDM
># allow        <feedset> <hostname pattern>
># Giving permission to your own machine and Unidata
># Under no circumstances comment out the next allow entry to localhost
># The LDM will NOT start if the lines are commented out.
>allow  ANY
>    ^((localhost|loopback)|(127\.0\.0\.1\.?$)|([a-z].*\.unidata\.ucar\.edu\.?$
> ))
> #
># Accept Entries
> #
># ACCEPT: Who can feed us, currently this action is ONLY needed for WSI data
># accept <feedset> <pattern> <hostname pattern>
># accept anything from yourself
>#accept ANY ".*" ^((localhost|loopback)|(127\.0\.0\.1\.?$))
># accept from your upstream site
># WSI is using ldm4 protocol so the accept is still required
>#accept        WSI
>#    .*
>#    ^[a-z].*\.uni\.wsicorp\.com$
> #
># End 
> #