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20021022: CIMSS WFABBA images available on suomi

>From:  Russ Dengel <address@hidden>
>Organization:  SSEC
>Keywords:  200210221647.g9MGl6p13353


>Interested in an ADDE server for Wild Fire Automated Biomass Burning
>Algo. images? 

Absolutely.  Thanks for passing this along!


>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: WFABBA on CIMSSP
>Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 10:15:58 -0500
>From: Chris Schmidt <address@hidden>
>To: russ dengel <address@hidden>, Jim Nelson
><address@hidden>,Tim Schmit <address@hidden>,Elaine Prins
><address@hidden>,Joleen Feltz <address@hidden>
>The WFABBA AREAs for Unidata are now successfully being served from
>CIMSSP (dataloc.k ADD CIMSSP suomi.ssec.wisc.edu, dsinfo.k I CIMSSP,
>FIRESSH and FIRESNH datasets).  The enhancement table (WFABBA.ET) is on
>the suomi FTP (/pub/seegsw/dpiets) and the official SSEC FTP
>(/pub/suomi/fires).  There is a .BAT for making the table and a .MCB for
>doing the "calibration"- these are provided because they have bene
>provided in the past, they are unnecessary if you have the AREA from
>WFABBAlegend.txt will also be in both directories sometime today and
>explains the meaning of the returned values when doing an alt-d.
>The AREA files are 4km resolution and come in around 2.5meg for North
>America and 3.5meg for South America.
* Tom Yoksas                                             UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                  P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service                             http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*