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Re: 19991214: NLDN Y2K IDD header discussion (cont.)

Hi David,

In order to compile the NLDN ingest program on aspen.atmos.albany.edu (or
anywhere else for that matter) using gcc2.8.1, I need libstdc++- and
libg++- installed.  I'd do it myself and save you the trouble, but, of
course, this requires root access.


>From address@hidden  Wed Dec 15 19:46:15 1999

     Oops! That is what I get for installing a compiler that I don't
use (course these days you cannot install gcc without also getting g++,
though without its libraries - go figure, so perhaps I can be partially
excused) Perhaps that is part of the reason I had problems getting the
package to compile ?-)

You should be all set now. The readme suggests that libg++ is obsolete
and no longer supported, but I installed it for you anyway along with
stdc++ (both in /usr/local/lib)

Since I don't use c++ I couldn't easily test it (except for make check)
so let me know if you have problems or not.
