Hi there, Thank you for using our reporting form. We received your submission. > Installation: CAVE - Direct MacOS > Version: 20.3.2-2 > Specific Menu or Resource: Satellite > Description: Appears to be a total GOES data outage in AWIPS/CAVE as of 3/3/24 Thank you for reporting this issue, and sorry for the inconvenience. We have addressed the issue and all products should be available and updating now. Please clear caveData (https://unidata.github.io/awips2/appendix/common-problems/#mac) and restart CAVE, and that should work. If you continue to experience missing data or any other issues, please don't hesitate to let us know. Thanks. --Shay Carter She/Her/Hers AWIPS Software Engineer NSF Unidata If you're interested, please feel free to fill out a survey about the support you receive: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDIkdk8qUMgq8ZdM4jhP-ubJPUOr-mJMQgxInwoAWoV5QcOw/viewform