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[AWIPS #GXY-460628]: Issues with recently installed EDEX Server

Hi Brian,

It's okay!  I've actually done that myself before, and I don't really know how. 
 Since it's running as
root, when you run edex stop, I don't think that will actually stop the ldm.  
So I believe you're going
to want to change to the root user and run 'ldmadmin stop'.  This should shut 
down the ldm.  You should
be able to verify it in two ways, if you run edex status it should show the ldm 
not running, and if you
do a ps -aux | grep ldm you shouldn't get any results other than the ps command 
you just ran.
Once it's stopped successfully, you should be able to run edex start I believe. 
 If that doesn't work, 
run edex stop and edex start.  After everything's up and running you should 
re-verify that the ldm is
running from awips (use the pid from edex status).
Let me know if that works!
Also, one other thing.  I found the file that sets the purge rate for the raw 
data in the data_store 
directory.  If you look in 
you should see near the first line of uncommented text:

Our edex is set to 1 hour. You should verify yours is something similar.

--Shay Carter

Software Engineer II
UCAR - Unidata

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GXY-460628
Department: Support AWIPS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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