RE: ShadowFunctionOrSetType

Hi Bill,

I wanted to construct a Data object without having to load it into the
spreadsheet cell if possible. You said you can read it in from a file.
What class provides such a method? 

Tom, I was actually wondering if it was possible to extract the range
value for the "index" input field. ie. I'm trying to see if the input
"index" is mapped to the Visad parameter "iso-contour". I don't think I
can just access the value of the first spot in an array of the types
since index seems to occur in different places in the domain (and is
listed in a different order on the left column of the mapping dialog
box) for each csv file I've tried. Do you know if there is a way to see
what value "index" was mapped to?


Michelle Kam           (408) 742-2881
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. SSM/ATC/MSIS
B/153 O/L922 
1111 Lockheed Martin Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Hibbard [mailto:billh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 12:07 PM
To: Kam, Michelle C
Subject: RE: ShadowFunctionOrSetType

On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Kam, Michelle C wrote:

> I'm referring to an example shown below from the url you suggested.
> I'm wondering how to specify the Data object,
> "d:\\visad\\data\\tes5.csv", before calling getType() on it. I don't
> know of a Data constructor that can take in a string.

You have to have a Data object before calling getType(). You can
either construct the Data object, or read it from a file.

> Also, when I get
> the FunctionType and call getDomain() on the FunctionType, it returns
> RealTupleType and I think TupleType.TupleComponents.length would then
> give me the number of input fields. Would that be one way to extract
> number of input fields?


>       // get the MathType of a Data object named 'vis5d'
>   FunctionType vis5d_type = (FunctionType) vis5d.getType();
>   // extract time, the domain of the FunctionType
>   RealType time = (RealType) vis5d_type.getDomain().getComponent(0);
> Also, if the exception was thrown because index was in the domain of
> function and it was mapped to iso-contour, are there other fields in
> Visad range that would produce the same error when index is mapped to
> it? What about other input fields in the domain besides index?

I think you'd get the same Exception with Flow, Text, Shape and

Good luck,

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