Re: New to VisaAD

The application I am currently developing is a Java Applet and I use the

I do simple 2D graphing of environmental model data and it works fine in
Intenet Explorer 6.0.  I also just downloaded Netscape 6.1 and it works fine
with it.  I had to install the Java Plug-in when running under MS IE.  I
assume Netscape automatically uses the plug-in also when running my applet.

Though I am only utilizing a small part of the VisAD API in creating 2D
plots of data, so I can't speak for any issues that may occur in any of the
more complex methods such as the 3D stuff.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Curtis Rueden" <curtis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <mikael.ogren@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: New to VisaAD

> >I read that to be able to run VisAd as an applet the minimum demand is
> >Netscape 6 but that one might have to add the Java Plug-In. Do you need
> >or not? And how about Internet Explorer (version, addons...)?
> Hi Mikael,
> I have not gotten VisAD applets working successfully in Netscape 6, and I
> don't know if VisAD applets work with the new IE 6.0.
> IE4.x, IE5.x, and Netscape 4.x should work with it, if you install the
> Plug-In (it comes with the JDK now and is automatically installed, or you
> download it separately).
> -Curtis

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