Re: [thredds] WMS is not updating when NetCDF file is updated or changed

  • To: Sean Arms <sarms@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [thredds] WMS is not updating when NetCDF file is updated or changed
  • From: Suman Sanjel <Suman.Sanjel@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 04:09:22 +0000
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Dear Sean,

Thank You for the kind support. For now, restarting the TDS solves the caching 
We are excited to use the released version of TDS 5.0.

Thank You
Suman Sanjel

From: Sean Arms [mailto:sarms@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2021 5:11 AM
To: Suman Sanjel
Cc: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Kiran Shakya
Subject: Re: [thredds] WMS is not updating when NetCDF file is updated or 

Greetings Suman,

It is indeed a caching issue. There are several caches at work within the 
netCDF-java and TDS levels, and they generally do not account for the use case 
of an individual file being updated or overwritten. There are some mechanisms 
in place that are supposed to allow for the various caches to be purged 
remotely (though the admin/debug interface), but I do not know if those 
actually work (I've seen mixed reports). The 100% way to make sure it is 
updated is to restart the server, which can work if updates are infrequent, but 
that's still less than ideal. The cache (and control of the cache) situation is 
something that I'd like to work on once 5.0 is released.



On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 12:02 PM Suman Sanjel 
<Suman.Sanjel@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Suman.Sanjel@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
 Dear THREDDS Data Server Team,

It's great to use THREDDS Data Server where we get lots of facilities.

Currently, We are using Development Release (version 5.0.0-beta8). And it is 
working fine.
I have one query regarding the cache of WMS. I have created WMS for one NetCDF 
file and it is working fine But when I update that NetCDF file the WMS is not 
updating. It seems like WMS is rendering from the cache. So my query is that 
how to Update the WMS once the NetCDF file is updated.

It will be great if you help to fix this problem.

Thank You
Suman Sanjel

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Suman Sanjel
GIS Application Developer
Geospatial Solutions
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
GPO Box 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal.
T +977-1-5275222  ext Extension no.   |   W<>
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