Re: [thredds] Catalog example for AWS S3 resource?

Hi Ethan,

That's great news!

By way of follow-up can you share any forward looking plans the team may
have related to zarr support in the future? Is this part of a roadmap for
thredds, or is the expectation that netcdf developers can leverage the s3
support and then write to zarr as part of their own workflow?


On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 9:53 AM Ethan Davis <edavis@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> [Sorry for the delayed response.]
> The S3 work moved to the Unidata/netCDF-java repo in PR #173
> <> ("S3 Support"). This PR
> got merged into master a week or so ago and is available in the netCDF-Java
> 5.3.0-SNAPSHOT release (and will be in the upcoming 5.3.0 release). The
> latest TDS code built with netCDF-Java 5.3.0-SNAPSHOT can be configured to
> serve an individual netCDF file stored as an S3 object using a datasetRoot
> configuration, e.g.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <catalog name="Test TDS S3"
>   xmlns="";
>   xmlns:xlink="";
>   xmlns:xsi="";
>   xsi:schemaLocation="
>   <datasetRoot path="s3-test" location="s3://noaa-goes16" />
>   <dataset name="Test GOES-16 S3" ID="testS3Grid"
> urlPath="s3-test/ABI-L1b-RadC/2019/363/21/"
>            dataType="Grid"/>
> </catalog>
> In this case, the datasetRoot location is the bucket name, and the urlPath
> is the datasetRoot path combined with the key. We rely on the AWS Java SDK
> (v2) to handle credentials, setting of region, etc. For now, you can set
> the region by creating a credentials file ~/.aws/credentials that looked
> like:
> [default]
> region=us-east-1
> Which is how netCDF-java knows which region to use for bucket access. We
> may look at other mechanisms to make that a bit more integrated into TDS
> configuration but for now that should work.
> Once the netCDF 5.3.0 release comes out, TDS snapshot builds will be built
> with this capability. For now, you would need to build the TDS and
> explicitly tell it to build with netCDF-Java 5.3.0-SNAPSHOT.
> Cheers,
> Ethan
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 2:30 PM H. Joe Lee <hyoklee@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   Is it possible to serve netCDF data on AWS S3 using THREDDS?
>>   I think it seems possible based on the S3 feature branch [1].
>>   If so, can someone share an example THREDDS catalog configuration?
>>   Regards,
>> [1]
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