Re: [thredds] Plans of releasing the first beta of TDS 5.0?

  • To: Sean Arms <sarms@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [thredds] Plans of releasing the first beta of TDS 5.0?
  • From: dgilo@xxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 11:54:44 +0100

Quoting Sean Arms <sarms@xxxxxxxx>:
Greetings David!   
>TDS 4.6 cannot use ncWMS2 without quite a bit of work, so it will be a 5.0 only feature. However, we plan on releasing >the first beta of 5.0 in "soon" (that  announcement will come out later today).
>I am not familiar with the mechanism of adding new styles in ncWMS2 - do you have any documentation on that?

Yes, I have an extensive answer from Guy Griffiths, the author of ncWMS2, explaining how to add new styles in ncWMS2:

What I hadn't noticed then is that ncWMS2 wasn't available in TDS 4.6 and new styles can't be added in ncWMS.

The answer by Guy is specific of ncWMS2, not TDS. That's why it says that "custom styles live in ~/.ncWMS2/.styles although different/additional directories can be defined."

The explanation in the documentation ( is this:

To change the location of the server configuration, you need to redefine the context parameter configDir. To do this on Tomcat, you should create a file named $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/[webappname].xml. For example, with the default webapp name running on localhost this is $CATALINA_BASE/conf/Catalina/localhost/ncWMS2.xml. Below is an example config with several options set, including configDir: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <Context> <Parameter name="configDir" value="$HOME/.ncWMS2-testserver" override="false"/> <Parameter name="paletteDirs" value="$HOME/.ncWMS2-testserver/palettes" override="false"/> <Parameter name="styleDirs" value="$HOME/.ncWMS2-testserver/styles" override="false"/> <Parameter name="defaultPalette" value="[whatever]" override="false"/> <Parameter name="advertisedPalettes" value="[whatever]" override="false"/> </Context> >If you would not mind, could you add an issue about supporting new styles on github? I'll do my best to make sure that >feature is in the beta release so we can kick the tires on it.

Sure! We are extremely interested in this feature. I have installed TDS 5.0.0-alpha3 to begin investigating it. If I can help any further, just tell me.


David Gil


On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 6:26 AM, <dgilo@xxxxxxxx> wrote:


We're using TDS 4.6 and need to create new styles for ncWMS, but it seems that new styles can only be created in the next version of ncWMS (ncWMS2), which will be available in TDS 5.0.

My questions are:

--Can TDS 4.6 use ncWMS2?
--Are there any plans of releasing soon the first beta of TDS 5.0?

Thank you!

David Gil_

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