Re: [thredds] GRIB indexing

Hi Roy,

It looks like the default threddsConfig.xml file is using an old element to
control grib indexes. Rather than GribIndexing, it should be called
GribIndex. So, like this:


It was called GribIndexing back in 4.3, but has changed to GribIndex since
the introduction of the TDM.

I apologize for these issues.


On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal <
roy.mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi All:
> I am just having all sorts of problems getting TDM to work with TDS.  I am
> using the latest release version of each.  If the TDM is run as a separate
> user,  say, tdm,, then there are all sorts of permission problems accessing
> some things it needs, such as caches,  if the caches are in the default
> locations ($TOMCAT_HOME/content/thedds/cache)
> So to try and deal with that,  I changed my threddsConfig.xml to have:
>  <GribIndexing>
>     <setExtendIndex>false</setExtendIndex>
>     <alwaysUseCache>true</alwaysUseCache>
>      <policy>nestedDirectory</policy>
>     <dir>/usr/local/tomcat/content/tdm/cache/grib/</dir>
>   </GribIndexing>
> Stopped the TDS,  restarted the TDS,  and lo and behold where are the
> caches being updated,  why $TOMCAT_HOME/content/thedds/cache.
> So,  any advice greatly appreciated.  There are a lot of issues involved
> in getting TDM to work with the TDS,  I wish they were better fleshed out
> somewhere.
> Thanks,
> -Roy
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> **********************
> Roy Mendelssohn
> Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
> Environmental Research Division
> Southwest Fisheries Science Center
> ***Note new street address***
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