Re: [thredds] Compression by Gathering working with Thredds?

Thank you very much for the feedback - this has saved me quite some work. Have you got soem suggestions which linux distributions are featuring netCDF4 out of the box? Last time I checked, Suse and Debian were shipped with netCDF3 support only. Are there any 3rd party repositories that I can include to get netcdf4-support?


Am 08.12.2011 05:51, schrieb Gallagher James:

On Dec 7, 2011, at 9:00 AM, Ethan Davis wrote:

Hi Matthias,

No, the underlying netCDF-Java library does not handle CF "compression
by gathering". From this fairly recent (June 2011)  discussion on the CF
mailing list

it doesn't sound like it is used very widely. As suggested there, you
might consider netCDF-4 chunking/compression instead. Which is handled
by the netCDF-Java library and so by the TDS and ncWMS.

I'd like to second Ethan's suggestion to use netCDF 4's chunking/compression.



On 12/7/2011 1:07 AM, Matthias Müller wrote:
Dear Thredds experts,

in order to save us some disk space and maybe increase the performance
of a Thredds/ncWMS server we are planning to apply "Compression by
Gathering" (CF Conventions 1.6, section 8.2) to our landuse and
land-bound climate datasets. Before adapting our data massaging routines
I would like to make sure that the results will be compatible with the
Thredds server.

Can you please comfirm that Thredds supports netCDF files that utilize
"Compression by Gathering"?

Thank you,

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