Re: [thredds] WMS capabilities

Hi Marco,

I was able to load your URL - seems like the GetCapabilities XML document doesn't contain coordinate systems. I can't seem to download any of the files... if you can either email me one of them, or enable fileServer, then I can download one to take a better look.



Ethan Davis wrote:
Hi Marcos,

I'm getting a 500 response from the URL you gave. So, I wasn't able to
look at your data.

One quick suggestion, make sure your data is recognized as gridded data
by the netCDF-Java library. You can test that with the ToolsUI
(available from the netCDF-Java home page). Try opening your data file
in the "FeatureTypes/Grids" tab of ToolsUI.

Or, if the data is available from the TDS via OPeNDAP, try opening that
in the IDV (not through the WMS interface). Or you could open it as a
local file.



Marcos Hermida wrote:
Hi all!
I've recently installed the latest version of TDS (4.0.23) and  set up
some catalogs ( )
When I tried to display some data with IDV through WMS I got a message
which says "No compatible SRS found". I've also tried it with other GIS clients (QGIS, GoogleEarth, ArcView) and I got similar messages.
I think it might be that in the capabilities xml document delivered in
the getCapabilities request the SRS (WMS version 1.1.0) or CRS (WMS
version 1.3.0) tags are missing so the GIS clients are unable to render
the maps or there is something wrong with our datasets?


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