Re: [thredds] TDS Catalog Validation Service

Hi Nathan:

We dont have ready-made code that validates catalogs and follows the catalog 
refs. However, we do have some generic catalog crawler code, where you get 
callbacks to your own code to do whatever you want. let me know if thats 

Nathan Potter wrote:


I have a question about validating the semantics of a THREDDS catalog. The attached catalog contains a number of thredds:catalogRef elements. The urlPath attribute for these should be able to be used to resolve the individual catalogs. Is there a validation for that similar to using the built in Catalog Validation service that come rolled in the TDS?
I tested the attached catalog against the service at

And it passed, but I don't imagine it attempted to check down the catalog hierarchy.

Any ideas?




= = =

Nathan Potter                        ndp at

OPeNDAP, Inc.                        541.752.1852


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