[thredds] TDS Catalog Validation Service


I have a question about validating the semantics of a THREDDS catalog. The attached catalog contains a number of thredds:catalogRef elements. The urlPath attribute for these should be able to be used to resolve the individual catalogs. Is there a validation for that similar to using the built in Catalog Validation service that come rolled in the TDS? I tested the attached catalog against the service at motherload.ucar.edu:


And it passed, but I don't imagine it attempted to check down the catalog hierarchy.

Any ideas?



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:wcs="http://www.opengis.net/wcs"; xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml"; 
  <thredds:service name="OPeNDAP-Hyrax" serviceType="OPeNDAP" 
base="/opendap/hyrax/" />
  <thredds:dataset name="data" ID="data">
    <thredds:metadata inherited="true">
    <thredds:catalogRef name="dsp" xlink:href="dsp/catalog.xml" 
xlink:title="dsp" xlink:type="simple" ID="data/dsp" />
    <thredds:catalogRef name="ff" xlink:href="ff/catalog.xml" xlink:title="ff" 
xlink:type="simple" ID="data/ff" />
    <thredds:catalogRef name="h5" xlink:href="h5/catalog.xml" xlink:title="h5" 
xlink:type="simple" ID="data/h5" />
    <thredds:catalogRef name="hdf" xlink:href="hdf/catalog.xml" 
xlink:title="hdf" xlink:type="simple" ID="data/hdf" />
    <thredds:catalogRef name="hdf4" xlink:href="hdf4/catalog.xml" 
xlink:title="hdf4" xlink:type="simple" ID="data/hdf4" />
    <thredds:catalogRef name="jg" xlink:href="jg/catalog.xml" xlink:title="jg" 
xlink:type="simple" ID="data/jg" />
    <thredds:catalogRef name="mat" xlink:href="mat/catalog.xml" 
xlink:title="mat" xlink:type="simple" ID="data/mat" />
    <thredds:catalogRef name="nc" xlink:href="nc/catalog.xml" xlink:title="nc" 
xlink:type="simple" ID="data/nc" />
    <thredds:catalogRef name="wcs" xlink:href="wcs/catalog.xml" 
xlink:title="wcs" xlink:type="simple" ID="data/wcs" />

= = =
Nathan Potter                        ndp at opendap.org
OPeNDAP, Inc.                        541.752.1852

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