Re: [noaaport] NoaaPort Hardware and software Requirements

Opinions will vary widely on the subject :)

On bandwidth sending from a rural area is not completely ideal, but you
will want to have minimum of 100mb upload speed, although peak through
the dish lately is around 60mbit... you of course want room to breathe

My personal preference is to take the outbound from the Novra through a
switch to two NOAAPort relays (for redundancy), and then run a large
queue... Older systems work just fine for NOAAPort relays, but I like to
run large queues, and make a RAMdisk to hold the queues for feeding,
though with SSDs it is not as big a deal as it used to be when we
began... it still is more efficient and stable though :)

You must use linux for your LDM, and opinions of course always vary on
flavors, but my preference has been Debian for years :)

Best of luck with your setup... if you get stuck along the way let me
know :)


------ Original Message ------
From: "LEE E. Dumas" <ledd@xxxxxxxx>
To: noaaport@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 2/29/2020 8:45:51 PM
Subject: [noaaport] NoaaPort Hardware and software Requirements

Dear community, I am new to this community and in need of help on
hardware( dish, lnb. Decoder and also some information on Server needs(
speed memory and others needs I have no clue.  I live in a Oklahoma and

Currently working on desired bandwidth for upload to a person in
northern USA who has Higher band width than in Okla. (rural Oklahoma)
I have call two vendors and left vim and no response. I aware of the
costs for the up front

Investment. I have  some capitol to place on this project.  Also is
Linux or windows server os  for this and how many servers to have.
Thanks for listening . Lee

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