[netcdfgroup] Fwd: IFORT_GeneralQuestion

Hello NetCDF Group,

I am trying to compile a code that has the 'use netcdf' in it using the
ifort compiler, but get the following error:

*myprogram.for(2): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file.
Check INCLUDE paths.   [NETCDF]*

*      use netcdf*


*compilation aborted for * *myprogram.for (code 1)*

Loaded on my machine is the cray-netcdf/ module (I got a similar
error with an intel version as well). My command looked like this:

*ifort myprogram.for -I/usr/local/netcdf/include  *

What am I missing? Thank you for your time,

Amanda Tritinger

*Amanda Tritinger*
Doctoral Student in Coastal Engineering
University of Florida (UF)
Masters in Civil Engineering
University of North Florida (UNF)
Bachelors in Environmental Engineering
University of Central Florida (UCF)

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