Re: [netcdfgroup] Scipy netcdf issue


I think you had a bad download.  I got a valid netcdf-3 file,
minc1-no-att.mnc, 6872 bytes.  The full ncdump output is attached.  I had
to add -O and quoting to the curl command as originally shown, and remove
the extra file name.

I have no clue as to the original issue with scipy.


On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 5:19 PM, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal <
roy.mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I downloaded the file.  the standard "ncdump" from the netcdf library does
> not view the file as a valid netcdf file.  Therein lies your problem.
> -Roy
> > On Jun 22, 2018, at 3:27 PM, Ankur Sinha <sanjay.ankur@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > While building nibabel for Fedora, we noticed a few tests failing when
> > nibabel uses scipy.netcdf[1]. As the nibabel developers say there, the
> > error does not occur with nibabel's bundled copy of, but it is
> > easily reproducible with scipy's version:
> >
> > curl -L
> tests/data/minc1-no-att.mnc?raw=true minc1-no-att.mnc
> > python -c 'import as sio; sio.netcdf_file("minc1-no-att.mnc")'
> >
> > Would someone please be able to have a look at the scipy issue[2] and
> > provide some hints on where the bug may be? Unfortunately, we're not
> > too well versed with netcdf to diagnose the issue ourselves.
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> >
> > --
> > Thanks,
> > Regards,
> >
> > Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"
> >
> >
netcdf minc1-no-att {
        zspace = 10 ;
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        xspace = 20 ;
        int study ;
                study:parent = "rootvariable" ;
                study:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
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                study:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                study:modality = "MRI__" ;
        int rootvariable ;
                rootvariable:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                rootvariable:vartype = "group________" ;
                rootvariable:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                rootvariable:parent = "" ;
                rootvariable:children = "study\n",
                        "image" ;
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                zspace:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                zspace:vartype = "dimension____" ;
                zspace:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
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superior" ;
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                yspace:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                yspace:comments = "Y increases from patient posterior to 
anterior" ;
                yspace:spacing = "regular__" ;
                yspace:alignment = "centre" ;
                yspace:units = "mm" ;
                yspace:spacetype = "native____" ;
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                xspace:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                xspace:vartype = "dimension____" ;
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                image-max:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                image-max:vartype = "var_attribute" ;
                image-max:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                image-max:_FillValue = 1. ;
                image-max:parent = "image" ;
        double image-min ;
                image-min:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                image-min:vartype = "var_attribute" ;
                image-min:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                image-min:_FillValue = 0. ;
                image-min:parent = "image" ;
        byte image(zspace, yspace, xspace) ;
                image:parent = "rootvariable" ;
                image:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                image:vartype = "group________" ;
                image:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                image:image-max = "--->image-max" ;
                image:image-min = "--->image-min" ;
                image:complete = "true_" ;
                image:signtype = "unsigned" ;

// global attributes:
                :ident = "mb312:angela:2010." ;
                :minc_version = "2.3.00" ;
                :history = "Tue Apr 16 19:15:53 2002>>> rawtominc -transverse 
-byte -unsigned -range 0 255 -real_range 0 1 -orange 0 255 -xstep 2 -ystep 2 
-zstep 2 -xstart -90 -ystart -126 -zstart -72 -xdircos 1 0 0 -ydircos 0 1 0 
-zdircos 0 0 1 -mri canonical/avg152T1.mnc 91 109 91\n",
                        "Sat Feb 13 11:47:16 2010>>> mincresample 
/home/mb312/opt/spm2/canonical/avg152T1.mnc test.mnc -nelements 20 20 10 
-clobber -start -20 -20 -10\n",
                        "" ;
                :_Format = "classic" ;

 study = 0 ;

 rootvariable = _ ;

 zspace = 0 ;

 yspace = 0 ;

 xspace = 0 ;

 image-max = 0.7490196 ;

 image-min = 0.2078431 ;

 image =
  -38, -27, -31, -49, -53, -45, -38, -38, -38, -42, -56, -45, -38, -38, -38, 
    -45, -53, -53, -34, -27,
  -38, -38, -45, -45, -49, -45, -42, -38, -42, -42, -60, -49, -42, -38, -42, 
    -45, -49, -49, -45, -38,
  -45, -45, -42, -42, -45, -45, -45, -42, -42, -45, -82, -64, -45, -45, -45, 
    -45, -49, -45, -45, -45,
  -45, -45, -38, -31, -42, -42, -45, -45, -49, -60, -108, -93, -53, -49, -45, 
    -45, -45, -45, -38, -45,
  -45, -38, -38, -31, -34, -38, -38, -42, -53, -71, -119, -97, -64, -49, -45, 
    -45, -45, -38, -34, -42,
  -56, -42, -31, -31, -23, -27, -31, -42, -56, -68, -123, -93, -68, -53, -42, 
    -38, -38, -31, -31, -42,
  -68, -53, -38, -31, -27, -23, -27, -45, -68, -82, 103, -104, -75, -60, -38, 
    -31, -31, -34, -34, -45,
  -64, -60, -49, -45, -38, -34, -38, -53, -68, -93, 59, 122, -79, -68, -45, 
    -34, -34, -42, -45, -56,
  -60, -60, -53, -45, -42, -42, -45, -60, -64, -93, 44, 107, -75, -71, -53, 
    -45, -45, -45, -53, -64,
  -45, -53, -49, -45, -45, -45, -49, -68, -71, -97, 44, 107, -79, -75, -64, 
    -49, -45, -49, -53, -60,
  -42, -45, -49, -49, -49, -53, -60, -71, -82, -101, 48, 111, -93, -82, -68, 
    -56, -53, -53, -56, -56,
  -64, -53, -49, -49, -53, -64, -68, -71, -79, -101, 74, 122, -97, -82, -75, 
    -68, -64, -56, -56, -53,
  -75, -71, -68, -60, -60, -71, -75, -79, -82, -104, 81, 118, -93, -82, -82, 
    -75, -68, -64, -64, -64,
  -79, -79, -75, -71, -71, -79, -86, -90, -86, -108, 81, 115, -97, -97, -93, 
    -82, -75, -71, -75, -75,
  -82, -82, -82, -79, -75, -82, -93, -90, -90, -116, 89, 122, -97, -97, -97, 
    -90, -82, -82, -79, -82,
  -79, -82, -79, -75, -75, -82, -90, -86, -93, -123, 92, 122, -101, -93, -93, 
    -90, -82, -79, -82, -79,
  -79, -79, -71, -68, -75, -82, -79, -79, -97, -127, 81, 118, -108, -90, -86, 
    -86, -79, -75, -75, -79,
  -71, -71, -64, -68, -71, -75, -68, -75, -97, 126, 81, 103, -116, -82, -71, 
    -75, -71, -68, -71, -75,
  -49, -53, -45, -56, -64, -56, -53, -71, -97, 126, 81, 103, -116, -79, -56, 
    -56, -64, -49, -53, -64,
  -19, -23, -31, -42, -45, -38, -42, -71, -101, 118, 85, 122, -108, -71, -42, 
    -38, -45, -42, -31, -42,
  -19, -23, -31, -45, -53, -45, -38, -38, -38, -45, -64, -56, -42, -38, -38, 
    -42, -53, -49, -42, -27,
  -27, -34, -42, -42, -42, -38, -38, -38, -38, -42, -64, -56, -42, -38, -38, 
    -38, -45, -45, -42, -38,
  -38, -42, -38, -31, -34, -38, -38, -38, -38, -49, -86, -64, -45, -42, -38, 
    -38, -38, -38, -38, -45,
  -38, -34, -31, -27, -31, -34, -38, -42, -45, -56, -116, -86, -49, -45, -45, 
    -38, -34, -31, -31, -38,
  -42, -27, -27, -27, -27, -31, -34, -38, -45, -64, 111, -101, -56, -45, -42, 
    -38, -34, -31, -27, -31,
  -45, -38, -27, -23, -27, -27, -31, -42, -56, -75, 81, -112, -64, -56, -38, 
    -31, -27, -27, -27, -27,
  -45, -45, -31, -27, -19, -19, -27, -45, -64, -93, 55, 118, -82, -64, -38, 
    -27, -27, -27, -27, -38,
  -49, -45, -42, -31, -27, -23, -31, -49, -71, -104, 37, 103, -86, -64, -38, 
    -27, -27, -27, -38, -45,
  -45, -42, -42, -38, -34, -31, -34, -53, -64, -97, 33, 100, -79, -64, -45, 
    -31, -34, -38, -45, -45,
  -31, -38, -42, -42, -38, -38, -42, -56, -68, -86, 37, 107, -71, -68, -53, 
    -42, -42, -45, -45, -45,
  -27, -27, -34, -38, -45, -45, -49, -64, -75, -93, 55, 118, -86, -75, -60, 
    -49, -45, -45, -45, -45,
  -53, -38, -31, -31, -38, -45, -49, -60, -68, -82, 100, -112, -82, -75, -64, 
    -53, -49, -45, -45, -38,
  -68, -64, -49, -38, -38, -45, -60, -71, -75, -82, 115, -108, -82, -75, -68, 
    -56, -45, -45, -42, -42,
  -75, -75, -68, -56, -49, -64, -79, -90, -86, -90, 103, -112, -90, -93, -82, 
    -68, -56, -56, -60, -64,
  -79, -75, -75, -64, -56, -75, -86, -97, -90, -101, 92, -119, -93, -101, 
    -93, -79, -64, -68, -75, -79,
  -79, -79, -75, -64, -64, -82, -93, -93, -93, -112, 100, 126, -97, -101, 
    -97, -86, -68, -68, -79, -79,
  -75, -75, -68, -60, -71, -82, -90, -82, -86, -119, 92, 122, -101, -93, -93, 
    -90, -75, -68, -79, -82,
  -75, -75, -64, -64, -75, -86, -82, -75, -90, -127, 92, 118, -101, -82, -86, 
    -90, -79, -64, -68, -75,
  -68, -60, -60, -64, -79, -79, -64, -64, -90, 126, 89, 122, -101, -71, -68, 
    -82, -82, -64, -60, -71,
  -45, -45, -56, -68, -71, -56, -45, -56, -93, 118, 92, -127, -97, -56, -45, 
    -64, -75, -64, -53, -56,
  -19, -31, -38, -45, -45, -45, -42, -42, -42, -49, -101, -68, -45, -42, -42, 
    -45, -53, -49, -45, -31,
  -27, -38, -42, -34, -38, -42, -42, -42, -42, -53, -112, -75, -45, -42, -42, 
    -38, -42, -42, -42, -42,
  -34, -42, -34, -31, -31, -34, -34, -38, -42, -60, 115, -97, -53, -42, -42, 
    -38, -34, -31, -34, -42,
  -34, -31, -31, -27, -27, -31, -34, -38, -45, -79, 74, -127, -56, -42, -38, 
    -38, -31, -31, -31, -34,
  -31, -27, -23, -27, -27, -31, -34, -38, -45, -79, 52, 111, -64, -42, -42, 
    -38, -31, -31, -31, -31,
  -34, -27, -19, -23, -23, -27, -34, -42, -56, -90, 44, 111, -64, -49, -42, 
    -34, -31, -31, -23, -23,
  -38, -34, -27, -19, -19, -23, -31, -45, -71, -108, 30, 100, -86, -60, -42, 
    -31, -27, -23, -23, -27,
  -42, -34, -34, -27, -19, -19, -31, -53, -75, -119, 22, 89, -93, -68, -42, 
    -23, -19, -23, -31, -34,
  -34, -38, -42, -38, -31, -23, -31, -45, -68, -116, 18, 81, -86, -64, -42, 
    -27, -27, -31, -42, -42,
  -34, -34, -42, -42, -42, -31, -34, -53, -64, -90, 33, 96, -71, -60, -45, 
    -34, -38, -45, -45, -42,
  -34, -34, -34, -42, -42, -34, -42, -56, -71, -75, 70, -123, -71, -71, -53, 
    -42, -45, -45, -45, -38,
  -53, -42, -34, -34, -31, -31, -34, -45, -53, -60, -112, -79, -68, -64, -53, 
    -42, -45, -45, -42, -34,
  -64, -53, -45, -38, -31, -27, -34, -56, -68, -71, -104, -79, -68, -64, -53, 
    -42, -38, -38, -34, -42,
  -68, -64, -60, -49, -34, -42, -64, -86, -90, -86, 122, -97, -90, -90, -71, 
    -45, -38, -42, -49, -56,
  -71, -75, -68, -53, -42, -56, -79, -97, -93, -97, 107, -108, -97, -104, 
    -90, -64, -45, -53, -64, -71,
  -75, -79, -68, -49, -53, -75, -90, -97, -97, -108, 100, -119, -101, -104, 
    -97, -79, -56, -53, -71, -79,
  -75, -75, -60, -53, -64, -82, -90, -90, -90, -119, 100, -127, -101, -101, 
    -97, -86, -64, -53, -64, -75,
  -75, -68, -53, -56, -75, -86, -90, -82, -86, -123, 100, -127, -90, -90, 
    -90, -90, -75, -53, -56, -75,
  -68, -56, -53, -64, -79, -86, -79, -64, -79, -123, 100, -119, -82, -68, 
    -82, -90, -79, -60, -53, -64,
  -56, -49, -56, -71, -79, -75, -53, -53, -79, -123, 111, -112, -75, -49, 
    -64, -82, -82, -68, -56, -53,
  -23, -34, -42, -42, -49, -49, -53, -53, -56, -82, 67, 118, -64, -49, -49, 
    -49, -49, -49, -38, -34,
  -31, -38, -38, -34, -34, -42, -49, -49, -56, -86, 55, 115, -68, -53, -49, 
    -45, -42, -34, -34, -38,
  -38, -38, -31, -27, -31, -34, -42, -49, -60, -97, 44, 103, -71, -53, -45, 
    -38, -34, -31, -31, -38,
  -34, -31, -27, -23, -27, -34, -38, -49, -64, -104, 37, 89, -82, -56, -45, 
    -34, -31, -27, -27, -34,
  -31, -23, -23, -23, -27, -31, -34, -42, -60, -101, 44, 89, -82, -56, -42, 
    -34, -31, -27, -31, -31,
  -31, -27, -19, -19, -23, -31, -38, -49, -60, -101, 52, 100, -79, -53, -45, 
    -34, -31, -27, -23, -27,
  -34, -31, -19, -16, -19, -23, -38, -56, -71, -108, 41, 100, -86, -64, -49, 
    -38, -27, -19, -19, -27,
  -34, -34, -34, -23, -16, -19, -34, -53, -71, -119, 30, 85, -90, -71, -49, 
    -31, -19, -19, -27, -34,
  -34, -34, -38, -34, -23, -16, -27, -42, -68, 126, 18, 70, -86, -64, -49, 
    -27, -23, -31, -34, -38,
  -38, -34, -42, -42, -34, -19, -23, -45, -64, -97, 30, 85, -71, -56, -38, 
    -27, -31, -38, -45, -38,
  -38, -38, -38, -38, -34, -23, -31, -53, -68, -56, 100, -108, -56, -68, -42, 
    -27, -34, -45, -45, -38,
  -45, -45, -45, -45, -38, -27, -27, -49, -56, -45, -86, -49, -53, -68, -42, 
    -27, -38, -45, -45, -42,
  -53, -49, -45, -45, -38, -27, -34, -64, -75, -68, -90, -68, -68, -68, -42, 
    -27, -38, -45, -45, -45,
  -64, -56, -49, -45, -34, -31, -53, -90, -101, -86, -119, -90, -93, -97, 
    -64, -34, -34, -45, -49, -49,
  -68, -68, -56, -34, -27, -45, -71, -104, -116, -101, 118, -101, -108, -119, 
    -90, -49, -34, -38, -53, -64,
  -68, -68, -56, -34, -38, -64, -82, -101, -116, -104, 103, -116, -116, -116, 
    -93, -68, -34, -34, -56, -68,
  -68, -68, -49, -38, -56, -75, -86, -97, -101, -116, 103, -119, -108, -104, 
    -93, -82, -53, -38, -53, -68,
  -68, -56, -45, -53, -68, -82, -86, -86, -90, -108, 107, -119, -93, -97, 
    -93, -86, -71, -49, -49, -64,
  -64, -49, -49, -60, -75, -82, -86, -71, -75, -104, 115, -104, -79, -82, 
    -90, -86, -79, -60, -49, -53,
  -49, -42, -53, -68, -79, -82, -68, -49, -64, -101, -123, -93, -60, -56, 
    -82, -86, -86, -71, -49, -49,
  -31, -34, -42, -42, -49, -53, -56, -64, -79, -116, 30, 63, -90, -68, -60, 
    -53, -53, -45, -42, -34,
  -34, -34, -34, -34, -42, -49, -60, -68, -79, -108, 37, 78, -86, -71, -60, 
    -53, -49, -38, -34, -34,
  -42, -34, -31, -34, -34, -45, -53, -64, -75, -104, 48, 89, -90, -71, -60, 
    -53, -42, -34, -31, -31,
  -31, -23, -23, -23, -31, -38, -49, -60, -79, -101, 63, 103, -90, -71, -56, 
    -49, -42, -34, -23, -27,
  -23, -23, -16, -19, -23, -34, -42, -53, -71, -97, 85, 118, -86, -71, -53, 
    -45, -34, -27, -23, -23,
  -31, -23, -12, -16, -19, -31, -42, -49, -64, -93, 92, -127, -79, -60, -53, 
    -42, -31, -23, -19, -16,
  -31, -27, -16, -12, -16, -23, -42, -53, -64, -97, 85, -127, -79, -60, -49, 
    -42, -27, -19, -16, -19,
  -31, -34, -27, -16, -16, -19, -34, -53, -64, -108, 63, 111, -79, -60, -53, 
    -34, -23, -16, -19, -27,
  -34, -34, -34, -31, -16, -16, -27, -42, -60, -127, 30, 89, -86, -53, -49, 
    -31, -19, -23, -31, -38,
  -34, -34, -38, -34, -23, -16, -19, -34, -56, -112, 30, 85, -79, -49, -34, 
    -23, -23, -34, -42, -42,
  -34, -38, -38, -34, -27, -12, -16, -49, -71, -68, 96, -116, -64, -60, -34, 
    -23, -23, -34, -42, -42,
  -34, -38, -42, -42, -34, -16, -23, -68, -79, -53, -90, -53, -64, -79, -42, 
    -23, -31, -42, -42, -42,
  -49, -42, -42, -42, -34, -16, -34, -90, -104, -86, -90, -71, -90, -90, -49, 
    -23, -34, -49, -49, -42,
  -60, -53, -42, -34, -23, -16, -53, -116, 118, -97, -108, -93, -127, -127, 
    -71, -23, -31, -42, -45, -42,
  -60, -60, -42, -19, -16, -34, -71, -119, 92, -108, -119, -101, 107, 107, 
    -93, -34, -23, -31, -34, -53,
  -68, -60, -34, -19, -34, -56, -79, -108, 100, -119, 118, -116, 100, 111, 
    -93, -60, -31, -23, -34, -56,
  -68, -53, -31, -31, -53, -71, -82, -97, 122, -119, 111, -123, 111, -123, 
    -93, -79, -53, -27, -31, -60,
  -60, -42, -34, -45, -68, -79, -86, -97, -108, -112, 118, -116, -116, -108, 
    -93, -86, -71, -42, -34, -45,
  -49, -34, -42, -60, -71, -79, -86, -90, -86, -90, -108, -97, -86, -97, -97, 
    -86, -79, -60, -38, -38,
  -34, -34, -49, -68, -75, -82, -86, -71, -56, -60, -75, -68, -64, -86, -93, 
    -90, -79, -71, -53, -34,
  -31, -38, -38, -45, -49, -53, -56, -71, -86, -119, 33, 55, -101, -79, -64, 
    -49, -49, -45, -38, -38,
  -38, -34, -38, -42, -45, -49, -56, -68, -79, -104, 55, 85, -90, -79, -64, 
    -53, -49, -45, -38, -34,
  -38, -31, -34, -38, -45, -49, -56, -60, -75, -97, 78, 115, -90, -71, -60, 
    -53, -49, -45, -38, -34,
  -31, -23, -27, -34, -42, -49, -56, -60, -71, -90, 100, -123, -82, -68, -56, 
    -53, -49, -45, -38, -27,
  -27, -16, -16, -27, -34, -42, -49, -56, -68, -86, 122, -108, -79, -68, -56, 
    -49, -45, -38, -27, -19,
  -27, -19, -16, -16, -27, -38, -49, -49, -60, -82, -127, -101, -75, -64, 
    -56, -49, -38, -27, -19, -16,
  -27, -23, -16, -16, -19, -34, -45, -49, -60, -86, 126, -101, -71, -56, -56, 
    -49, -34, -23, -16, -16,
  -34, -27, -19, -16, -16, -27, -42, -49, -60, -93, 103, -112, -71, -56, -56, 
    -45, -27, -19, -16, -23,
  -34, -31, -27, -19, -16, -19, -34, -38, -60, -112, 63, 115, -79, -56, -49, 
    -38, -23, -19, -23, -27,
  -34, -34, -31, -23, -16, -16, -19, -31, -56, -127, 37, 96, -79, -49, -38, 
    -27, -19, -23, -27, -34,
  -34, -38, -38, -31, -19, -12, -16, -45, -86, -93, 92, 115, -79, -56, -31, 
    -23, -19, -27, -34, -38,
  -38, -38, -38, -38, -27, -12, -23, -75, -112, -71, -86, -71, -97, -86, -38, 
    -19, -23, -34, -42, -38,
  -45, -38, -38, -34, -19, -8, -38, -116, 103, -101, -79, -71, -127, -119, 
    -60, -19, -27, -38, -42, -38,
  -56, -45, -27, -16, -8, -16, -64, 115, 55, -119, -93, -97, 85, 89, -90, 
    -27, -16, -27, -38, -38,
  -60, -49, -27, -5, -8, -34, -71, 122, 41, 115, -108, -112, 55, 63, -101, 
    -38, -16, -16, -23, -38,
  -60, -49, -16, -12, -27, -53, -75, -112, 63, 89, -119, 126, 48, 85, -101, 
    -56, -27, -12, -19, -38,
  -56, -38, -16, -27, -49, -68, -79, -101, 92, 85, 126, 111, 59, 115, -97, 
    -75, -49, -27, -19, -38,
  -49, -31, -27, -45, -64, -75, -86, -101, 107, 103, -119, 115, 85, -127, 
    -93, -82, -68, -45, -27, -34,
  -38, -27, -38, -56, -68, -79, -86, -108, 118, -116, -86, -108, 111, -127, 
    -101, -86, -79, -64, -38, -34,
  -27, -34, -49, -68, -75, -79, -90, -116, -108, -71, -45, -68, -112, -127, 
    -104, -90, -79, -71, -56, -38,
  -34, -38, -42, -45, -49, -53, -60, -75, -86, -108, 67, 81, -101, -82, -68, 
    -56, -53, -45, -38, -34,
  -34, -31, -38, -42, -45, -53, -56, -71, -82, -93, 96, 118, -90, -79, -68, 
    -53, -45, -42, -38, -34,
  -31, -27, -38, -42, -49, -49, -56, -71, -79, -86, 122, -116, -86, -79, -64, 
    -53, -49, -42, -42, -34,
  -27, -23, -31, -42, -45, -49, -56, -68, -71, -82, -123, -104, -79, -75, 
    -64, -53, -53, -45, -42, -31,
  -23, -19, -23, -31, -42, -49, -60, -60, -71, -82, -119, -97, -75, -71, -64, 
    -53, -49, -42, -34, -23,
  -23, -16, -16, -23, -34, -45, -56, -56, -68, -82, -116, -93, -71, -64, -64, 
    -56, -45, -38, -27, -19,
  -27, -19, -16, -19, -31, -42, -53, -53, -64, -79, -119, -93, -71, -60, -60, 
    -56, -42, -31, -23, -16,
  -27, -23, -16, -16, -23, -38, -45, -49, -64, -86, 122, -101, -71, -56, -56, 
    -53, -38, -27, -19, -19,
  -31, -31, -23, -16, -19, -27, -38, -42, -64, -101, 89, -116, -75, -60, -53, 
    -45, -31, -19, -19, -23,
  -31, -31, -31, -23, -16, -19, -23, -38, -68, -123, 74, 118, -75, -56, -42, 
    -38, -23, -23, -23, -31,
  -27, -34, -34, -27, -16, -16, -19, -53, -112, -112, 118, 122, -101, -64, 
    -34, -27, -23, -23, -31, -38,
  -38, -31, -34, -27, -16, -12, -31, -93, 89, -97, -68, -79, 107, -104, -45, 
    -23, -19, -31, -38, -38,
  -53, -34, -23, -19, -8, -12, -56, 115, 44, -127, -64, -75, 74, 100, -71, 
    -27, -19, -23, -31, -34,
  -56, -38, -16, -8, -1, -19, -75, 92, 18, 96, -90, -119, 37, 52, -112, -34, 
    -12, -16, -23, -31,
  -56, -38, -12, -1, -12, -38, -75, 115, 26, 63, -112, 111, 18, 41, -119, 
    -45, -16, -8, -16, -31,
  -53, -34, -12, -12, -31, -56, -75, -116, 52, 41, 122, 81, 15, 70, -104, 
    -68, -31, -12, -12, -27,
  -49, -23, -16, -31, -53, -68, -79, -104, 70, 41, 100, 63, 26, 100, -101, 
    -79, -56, -27, -16, -23,
  -38, -23, -27, -45, -64, -71, -82, -104, 81, 48, 103, 67, 41, 111, -93, 
    -82, -71, -49, -23, -23,
  -23, -23, -38, -56, -71, -75, -86, -119, 74, 70, -123, 92, 48, 107, -104, 
    -86, -75, -68, -42, -23,
  -23, -34, -53, -64, -71, -79, -101, 107, 78, 115, -79, -119, 78, 92, -112, 
    -90, -79, -71, -60, -34,
  -34, -38, -42, -49, -53, -56, -68, -82, -86, -97, 96, 115, -93, -90, -75, 
    -56, -53, -49, -42, -38,
  -34, -38, -42, -49, -53, -53, -64, -79, -82, -82, 126, -112, -82, -86, -71, 
    -56, -49, -45, -38, -38,
  -31, -31, -38, -49, -53, -53, -60, -71, -79, -82, -112, -97, -79, -82, -71, 
    -56, -49, -45, -38, -38,
  -27, -23, -38, -42, -49, -53, -60, -68, -71, -79, -108, -86, -79, -75, -68, 
    -56, -53, -49, -42, -34,
  -23, -19, -27, -38, -49, -53, -56, -64, -68, -79, -108, -86, -71, -68, -64, 
    -53, -53, -49, -38, -27,
  -23, -16, -23, -34, -42, -49, -56, -56, -64, -82, -112, -93, -71, -64, -60, 
    -60, -53, -45, -38, -23,
  -27, -19, -16, -23, -38, -49, -53, -53, -60, -86, -116, -93, -68, -56, -60, 
    -60, -53, -38, -27, -19,
  -31, -23, -16, -19, -27, -45, -53, -53, -64, -86, 126, -97, -68, -56, -56, 
    -56, -49, -34, -23, -16,
  -27, -31, -19, -16, -23, -34, -45, -53, -64, -97, 115, -101, -71, -56, -56, 
    -53, -38, -27, -19, -23,
  -27, -34, -27, -19, -16, -23, -31, -49, -75, -112, 115, -123, -79, -56, 
    -53, -42, -31, -23, -23, -31,
  -34, -31, -23, -19, -12, -12, -27, -71, 118, -104, -93, -112, -119, -71, 
    -42, -34, -23, -23, -27, -34,
  -42, -27, -19, -12, -8, -16, -53, -127, 55, -112, -53, -75, 81, 126, -64, 
    -27, -23, -23, -27, -27,
  -49, -31, -12, -8, -5, -19, -79, 85, 18, 100, -68, -93, 37, 67, -104, -38, 
    -19, -16, -19, -23,
  -53, -34, -8, -1, -5, -34, -86, 85, 11, 55, -101, 115, 11, 26, 122, -53, 
    -19, -8, -12, -19,
  -49, -27, -5, -1, -19, -49, -82, 115, 26, 26, 126, 74, 4, 37, -127, -64, 
    -27, -8, -8, -19,
  -42, -23, -8, -16, -38, -60, -82, -123, 41, 15, 96, 48, 7, 67, -112, -75, 
    -42, -23, -8, -19,
  -38, -19, -16, -38, -53, -68, -79, -112, 59, 11, 81, 37, 11, 89, -101, -82, 
    -64, -38, -19, -16,
  -23, -16, -34, -53, -64, -71, -82, -119, 55, 22, 81, 41, 22, 100, -101, 
    -82, -71, -56, -34, -19,
  -16, -27, -42, -56, -68, -79, -86, 118, 44, 37, 92, 55, 22, 85, -108, -86, 
    -79, -68, -53, -27,
  -16, -34, -53, -64, -71, -82, -112, 85, 41, 59, 115, 85, 41, 67, -123, -93, 
    -82, -75, -64, -45,
  -34, -38, -42, -45, -53, -60, -71, -79, -90, -93, 103, 118, -93, -90, -79, 
    -68, -56, -53, -42, -34,
  -34, -34, -45, -45, -53, -56, -71, -79, -82, -82, -119, -104, -86, -82, 
    -79, -64, -53, -45, -42, -34,
  -31, -31, -42, -45, -53, -56, -68, -71, -79, -79, -104, -90, -79, -79, -71, 
    -64, -53, -45, -45, -38,
  -23, -27, -42, -45, -56, -56, -56, -68, -71, -75, -104, -86, -79, -71, -68, 
    -56, -56, -53, -45, -34,
  -19, -19, -34, -45, -53, -53, -56, -60, -68, -75, -104, -82, -71, -68, -60, 
    -56, -56, -53, -45, -34,
  -19, -19, -23, -38, -45, -53, -56, -56, -64, -79, -108, -90, -68, -60, -60, 
    -56, -56, -53, -42, -31,
  -19, -16, -19, -31, -42, -49, -53, -49, -56, -82, -116, -93, -68, -56, -60, 
    -56, -56, -45, -34, -19,
  -23, -19, -16, -23, -34, -45, -53, -49, -60, -82, -127, -93, -71, -53, -56, 
    -56, -49, -42, -27, -19,
  -23, -19, -16, -19, -23, -38, -45, -49, -68, -97, 122, -101, -71, -53, -56, 
    -56, -45, -31, -19, -19,
  -27, -19, -16, -16, -19, -27, -34, -56, -93, -108, -116, -116, -82, -60, 
    -56, -45, -34, -23, -19, -23,
  -34, -16, -16, -12, -12, -19, -45, -104, 96, -104, -68, -101, 126, -93, 
    -56, -34, -27, -23, -19, -19,
  -42, -19, -8, -8, -8, -27, -79, 92, 41, 126, -53, -79, 70, 89, -90, -45, 
    -23, -16, -16, -16,
  -45, -19, -5, -1, -8, -42, -101, 67, 11, 74, -82, -116, 30, 33, 115, -64, 
    -23, -16, -12, -16,
  -45, -19, -5, -1, -16, -45, -101, 78, 7, 33, -119, 89, 7, 18, 103, -79, 
    -31, -12, -8, -16,
  -42, -19, -8, -12, -31, -56, -90, 103, 22, 15, 103, 55, 0, 33, 118, -82, 
    -42, -19, -8, -16,
  -31, -16, -16, -27, -45, -64, -79, 126, 37, 7, 78, 37, 4, 55, -116, -82, 
    -60, -34, -19, -16,
  -23, -12, -23, -45, -60, -68, -79, -127, 44, 7, 67, 30, 7, 78, -108, -82, 
    -71, -53, -31, -19,
  -16, -19, -38, -56, -68, -71, -86, 118, 41, 15, 67, 33, 11, 78, -108, -82, 
    -75, -64, -45, -23,
  -16, -31, -49, -64, -68, -79, -101, 100, 22, 18, 70, 48, 7, 67, -116, -90, 
    -79, -71, -60, -42,
  -16, -38, -56, -68, -75, -93, 126, 59, 22, 41, 92, 70, 22, 44, 118, -97, 
    -82, -75, -68, -53,
  -34, -42, -42, -53, -56, -60, -75, -86, -90, -104, 100, 111, -101, -86, 
    -82, -71, -56, -53, -42, -38,
  -34, -38, -45, -53, -53, -60, -71, -79, -86, -90, 126, -116, -90, -86, -75, 
    -60, -56, -45, -42, -38,
  -31, -34, -45, -49, -56, -60, -64, -71, -82, -86, -112, -101, -86, -79, 
    -71, -60, -56, -49, -42, -38,
  -27, -27, -42, -53, -56, -56, -56, -68, -71, -82, -104, -90, -86, -71, -68, 
    -60, -56, -53, -45, -38,
  -23, -23, -38, -49, -53, -53, -56, -60, -71, -82, -104, -90, -75, -71, -60, 
    -56, -56, -53, -45, -38,
  -19, -23, -27, -42, -53, -53, -53, -53, -64, -82, -116, -93, -75, -64, -56, 
    -56, -56, -56, -42, -31,
  -16, -16, -23, -34, -45, -53, -56, -45, -60, -86, -127, -97, -71, -56, -56, 
    -56, -56, -49, -38, -23,
  -12, -12, -16, -27, -38, -45, -53, -45, -64, -90, 122, -97, -71, -53, -56, 
    -56, -53, -42, -31, -19,
  -12, -12, -12, -16, -27, -38, -42, -49, -71, -108, -127, -112, -75, -56, 
    -53, -56, -42, -34, -23, -16,
  -23, -12, -12, -12, -19, -27, -42, -75, -119, -112, -90, -116, -101, -71, 
    -53, -49, -38, -27, -19, -12,
  -27, -12, -8, -12, -16, -38, -75, 111, 81, -116, -56, -86, 111, -127, -75, 
    -42, -31, -23, -16, -12,
  -38, -12, -5, -5, -16, -53, -112, 67, 26, 96, -68, -90, 63, 55, 126, -68, 
    -31, -19, -12, -12,
  -38, -16, -5, -8, -19, -60, -116, 52, 7, 52, -101, 115, 22, 18, 89, -93, 
    -38, -16, -12, -12,
  -31, -12, -5, -12, -31, -64, -104, 70, 7, 18, 111, 70, 7, 18, 96, -97, -42, 
    -23, -12, -12,
  -27, -12, -12, -27, -45, -68, -90, 96, 22, 7, 85, 44, 0, 33, 118, -90, -60, 
    -34, -16, -12,
  -19, -12, -23, -42, -56, -68, -86, 111, 26, 7, 70, 33, 4, 52, -123, -86, 
    -71, -49, -27, -16,
  -12, -19, -38, -53, -60, -71, -86, 111, 30, 7, 63, 30, 7, 59, -116, -86, 
    -71, -60, -42, -27,
  -12, -27, -45, -56, -68, -75, -97, 96, 22, 7, 67, 33, 4, 59, -116, -86, 
    -75, -71, -56, -34,
  -12, -38, -53, -60, -71, -82, -119, 67, 11, 15, 70, 52, 7, 44, 126, -97, 
    -79, -71, -64, -45,
  -12, -42, -56, -68, -82, -112, 96, 37, 22, 44, 103, 85, 30, 30, 96, -112, 
    -86, -75, -71, -56 ;
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