augmented netCDF manual pages

Dear netCDF users,

The netCDF manual pages (both C and Fortran) that shipped with the
latest netCDF distribution (version 3.4) do not have documentation on
the new "underbar underbar" tuning functions nc__create(), nc__open(),
and nc__endef() (Fortran: nf__create(), nf__open(), and nf__endef()).
This was an oversight on our part and we apologize for any

Augmented manual pages, with the above functions, can be obtained from
the following




You may install these pages (after uncompressing them) in your netCDF
distribution if you so choose.

Additionally, the augmented pages can be read from our Web server at


by following the "online man pages" links.  

The User's Guides for C and Fortran have not yet been updated to include
descriptions of the new functions.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303)497-8644                                                  P.O. Box 3000
support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata WWW Service                   

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