Re: [netcdf-porting] Failing test to open non-netcdf file

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  • To: "J. Luis" <jmfluis@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [netcdf-porting] Failing test to open non-netcdf file
  • From: Ed Hartnett <ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 08:26:29 -0600
"J. Luis" <jmfluis@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi,
> I built netcdf4.1.1 and 4.1.2beta 32 and 64 bits with VS2010. In all
> builds the nc_test.exe pass all but 3 tests that are
>         FAILURE at line 105 of ..\..\..\nc_test\test_read.c: nc_open
> of non-netCDF file: status = 2
>         ### 1 FAILURES TESTING nc_open! ###

Seems like what is happening here is that the test is trying an open of
a file that is not a netcdf file, and getting an error code of 2 instead
of the expected error code of -51 (NC_ENOTNC - not a netcdf file).

Does the file that is being opened exist?

> Now, I cannot be absolutely sure (... but almost) that this is the
> same reason why GMT crashes in a test where at a certain point it it
> attempts to open a non-netcdf file.

Not sure what GMT is...

> With 4.1.1 this problem is more clearly presented with an assertion
> failure, but not on 4.1.2b

Probably due to a fix in the code somewhere.

> What shall I do with this info? Report it as a bug? But there is no
> support for Windows, so how could it be investigated?

Well it can be investigated by firing up the debugger and seeing what is

Windows is actually supported for the C library, though not visual
studio. For (ming32w generated) windows DLLs, get this file:

Sorry, opendap is not yet supported for DLL builds.


Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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