Re: [netcdf-java] setting proxy...

Hi Dennis, 
> Place the following on the command line
> -Dhttp.proxyHost=...
> -Dhttp.proxyPort=...

Thanks for the response but that solution won't work for my needs. 

I need a programmatic way to set the network proxy used by NetCDF-Java; I also 
need to be able to change proxy settings while an application is running. Both 
Apache's HttpClient and HttpComponent (which are supposedly used by 
NetCDF-Java) support the setting of a proxy; and the NetCDF-Java library used 
to expose the underlying HttpClient so that it was simple to change the proxy 
setting. I'm just looking for the hook in the NetCDF API that lets me specify 
or modify the HttpClient. 

If there's no hook or method can someone point me at the source code where the 
relevant Apache HTTP stuff is configured and I'll hack in a solution.
p.s. Also, can someone confirm which HTTP library NetCDF java is using. The 
docs say you're switching to HttpComponents but there's still a dependency to 
HttpClient-3.1 in the source code.


Brian Schlining 

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