Re: [netcdf-java] Persisting a NetcdfDatasetCache

I was curious seeing this post and so noticed the NetcdfDatasetCache just now.

Depending on what Jon says, I'm guessing there may be 2 options for integration here?

1) simply persisting cache state (thus reloading datasets on restart)
2) persisting cached objects properly by looking into changing NetcdfDatasetCache.cache from an ArrayList to an instance of EHCache's CacheManager. Just have to try it and see as NetcdfDataset is not serializable although EHCache specifically deals with non-serializable.

I'm using EHCache with persistent filesystem backend to recall non-Serializable objects between JVM restarts in non-Netcdf software.

Jon Blower wrote:

My server application (ncWMS) uses the NetcdfDatasetCache as an
in-memory store of metadata to increase performance and reduce the
need to continually reload metadata from files.  It would be really
useful if I could persist the cache to disk so that the metadata is
available following a server restart (saves trawling through all the
data files again).

Is it possible to save the contents of a NetcdfDatasetCache to disk?
I notice that it isn't marked Serializable.

Cheers, Jon

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