Re: Netcdf-4 on Mac OS X with Fortran 95 (90)

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Can you tell me what settings you had set when you used gfortan? Did you do f77 also and what did you use for that.

I will then try to do the make and will send you the results if it doesn't work.


"Roy Mendelssohn" <Roy.Mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx> writes:
 > I have been banging my head against the wall trying to get the latest
 release (alpha17) of Netcdf-4 to build successfully with Fortran.  I
 don't need Fortran 77.  I have tried Absoft, gfortran and g95.

 If someone can either give me the correct settings of if they have a
 prebuilt binaries with needed includes I would sure appreciated it as
 I am making no headway.


I got alpha17 to build no problem, but have since found some bugs in
the fortran API of that release, which will be fixed in alpha18.

I use gfortran.

What problems are you having?

Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Roy Mendelssohn
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