RE: Use retrospective data from 20070208**

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Hi Folks,

To facilitate choosing times for your runs, I've put together an IDV bundle
that shows the NAM forecasts for precip at the surface over this time
period. The bundle is found at the web site: and is called
TotalPreip.20070207-8.xidv.  Right click on this item and save as a file on
your local system.  Then simply open it in your IDV and you will see the
display of the time series (you may need to click on the play button (center
top).  It looks like the interesting weather in that period (at least from a
precip perspective) was in N California.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-leadusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-
leadusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Suresh Marru
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 5:29 PM
To: leadusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: iu-lead
Subject: Use retrospective data from 20070208**

Lead Users,

We are having problems with ldm data streams since Friday at IU , and we
are having file transfer issues with data servers in Unidata, so until
further notice please do not choose the option Now or latest in
experiment configuration. and instead choose a data and time between
20070207 06Z and 20070208 21Z for testing. We are working on these
issues and will post an update once these issues are fixed.

Three workflows which have used these corrupt data have failed this
afternoon, so please re-try a workflow using the data between above
mentioned temporal range.


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