[ldm-users] status OK. TAMU LDM is back up

LDM is outgoing again from TAMU (ldm.tamu.edu or idd.tamu.edu).

I apologize for the (unplanned) disruption.

> On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 5:54 PM, Donna Cote <d-cote@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> My apologies for waiting until now. We had one of our two relay LDM
>> servers go down yesterday, at 20161108163949.158355 UTC (20161108 1016 CST).
>> Well, the second relay LDM server is not relaying LDM products. Not at
>> all.
>> As soon as connectivity returns I will notify everyone.

Donna Cote
Academy for Advanced Telecommunications and
   Learning Technologies
Texas A&M University
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