Re: [ldm-users] centos/rhel v7 systemd ldm startup?

systemd expects a 0 for a failure and a 1 for a success, so they needed to
be reversed or the ExecStartPre would fail and thus LDM wouldn't get

I've moved the script to a GitHub Gist. I've adopted it internally as well,
as of course I wouldn't want my product-queue deleted/recreated for a
stop/start. "systemctl reload ldmd" avoided this but was just "kill -HUP"

Good eye on the ldmadmin clean. Not sure why I removed that but it has been
added back.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Smith, Neil R <n-smith2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Nice!
> I had been wondering if one could somehow lift that queue check section
> from the old services startup script.
> BTW, any particular reason why the return error codes are ‘0’ instead of
> ‘1’ as with the original?
> And would it be OK to retain the final “$LDMADMIN clean” from the
> original, too?
> Neil
> On Oct 11, 2016, at 5:10 PM, Ryan Hickman <ryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ah, our queue is in memory so it's gone after a reboot anyway. (
> <>)
> So I've just tested this new solution. I think it should work for you. Let
> me know if you notice anything wrong with it.
> 1) Copy/paste this script to /home/ldm/bin/pqrefresh or wherever you'd
> like. Make sure to "chmod +x". This script is a modified boot script which
> removes the ldmadmin start/stop commands and simply checks the
> product-queue integrity and only rebuilds it if necessary.
>> #!/bin/sh -
>> export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin
>> LDMHOME=/home/ldm
>> LDMADMIN=$LDMBIN/ldmadmin
>> PQCHECK=$LDMBIN/pqcheck
>> PQCAT=$LDMBIN/pqcat
>> PQ=/dev/shm/ldm.pq
>> echo 'Inspecting LDM product-queue...'
>> if [ -x $LDMADMIN ] ; then
>>     if $LDMADMIN isrunning; then
>>             echo "LDM system is currently running. Aborting."
>>     else
>>         if [ ! -f $PQ ] ; then
>>         echo "Product-queue doesn't exist.  Creating..."
>>         if ! "$LDMADMIN mkqueue"; then
>>             echo "Aborting..."
>>             exit 0
>>         fi
>>         else
>>         echo "Product-queue exists. Checking..."
>>         #
>>         # Test the product-queue for corruption.
>>         #
>>         if ! $PQCHECK -l /dev/null -q $PQ; then
>>             case $? in
>>             0)  echo "The product-queue is okay."
>>                 exit 1
>>               ;;
>>             1)  echo "System error checking product-queue.  Aborting..."
>>             exit 0
>>             ;;
>>             2)  echo "Adding writer-counter to product-queue..."
>>             if ! $PQCHECK -F -q $PQ; then
>>                 echo "Aborting..."
>>                 exit 0
>>             fi
>>             ;;
>>             3)  echo "Product-queue was incorrectly closed.  " \
>>             "Checking..."
>>             if $PQCAT -s -l /dev/null; then
>>                 echo "Product-queue appears OK. "
>>                 echo "Clearing writer-counter..."
>>                 if ! $PQCHECK -F -q $PQ; then
>>             echo "Couldn't clear counter.  Aborting..."
>>             exit 0
>>                 fi
>>             else
>>                 echo "Product-queue appears corrupt.  Deleting."
>>                 rm $PQ
>>                 if ! "$LDMADMIN mkqueue -f"; then
>>             echo "Couldn't make new product-queue.  Aborting..."
>>             exit 0
>>                 fi
>>             fi
>>             ;;
>>             4)  echo "Product-queue is corrupt.  Deleting."
>>             rm $PQ
>>             if ! "$LDMADMIN mkqueue -f"; then
>>                 echo "Couldn't make new product-queue.  Aborting..."
>>                 exit 0
>>             fi
>>             ;;
>>             esac
>>         fi
>>         fi
>>     fi
>> fi
> 2) Remove the ExecStartPre entries I referenced in my previous email. Add
> a new ExecStartPre= entry that points to this newly created script.
> 3) Run "systemctl daemon-reload"
> Good to go!
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 3:35 PM, Smith, Neil R <n-smith2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Is there a way to do the pqcheck stuff as with the traditional init.d
>> script?
>> If I’ve got a pretty full suite of stuff I’m ingesting, it seems a waist
>> to have to re-request the last hour’s worth (default) of queue content from
>> upstream each time I reboot the OS.
>> Neil
>> On Oct 11, 2016, at 4:21 PM, Ryan Hickman <ryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Neil,
>> Yes, per
>>> ExecStartPre=/home/ldm/bin/ldmadmin delqueue
>>> ExecStartPre=/home/ldm/bin/ldmadmin mkqueue
>> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 3:15 PM, Smith, Neil R <n-smith2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Steve,
>>> Does that delete and re-create the queue at each boot?
>>> Neil
>>> On Oct 11, 2016, at 3:33 PM, Steve Emmerson <emmerson@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I added it to the LDM Wiki on GitHub <
>>> M/wiki
>>> <>
>>> >.
>>> Regards,
>>> Steve Emmerson
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