Re: [ldm-users] NOAAPort Product Latency


On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Patrick L. Francis <wxprofessor@xxxxxxxxx>

> right.. but that does not explain why LDM would not revert to an alternate
> source if the dish was delayed... i.e. if it is on the ncep server it
> should feed through to the EDU sources if it doesn't make it through the
> dish ... :o|

Having your LDM get the data-products from multiple sources (NOAAPort, the
IDD) doesn't mean that you should receive them via the IDD if their uplink
to NOAAPort is delayed. The products are only being transmitted via
NOAAPort; consequently, they are received by all NOAAPort-listening LDM-s
at the same time.

Steve Emmerson
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