Re: [ldm-users] NOAAPort NIDS versus files

  • To: Stonie Cooper <stonewall@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Gerry Creager - NOAA Affiliate <gerry.creager@xxxxxxxx>, Arthur A Person <aap1@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ldm-users] NOAAPort NIDS versus files
  • From: Pete Pokrandt <poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 22 May 2016 04:27:05 +0000
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Wow, that is a blast from the past!

I have a c version of a nids decompressor called ucnids - I believe that Dan 
Vietor may have written that. I still use it for some of my decoding. I can 
provide the source code for that if anyone would like.


Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086  - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx

From: ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
on behalf of Stonie Cooper <stonewall@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 9:44 PM
To: Gerry Creager - NOAA Affiliate; Arthur A Person
Cc: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ldm-users] NOAAPort NIDS versus files

Unbelievable - I found it:

2000 - not late '90's. And it was Pete, not Mike, that wrote it.


On May 21, 2016 9:37:57 PM CDT, Stonie Cooper <stonewall@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Art - Mike Dross had a perl script in the late '90's - I'll see if I can find 
it via Google.


On May 21, 2016 9:28:31 PM CDT, Gerry Creager - NOAA Affiliate 
<gerry.creager@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
It's  libs, so compress  -d should work... If you're using pyART, I believe 
there's a libz toll in python, but after today's packing session for the great 
house movezi can't, for the life of me, remember it.


On Friday, May 20, 2016, Arthur A Person <aap1@xxxxxxx<mailto:aap1@xxxxxxx>> 
Thanks Stonie.  So, the error must be related to a failed effort to decompress
the NOAAPort version of the file...  is anyone aware of a standalone 
that could be used to convert the NOAAPort NIDS compressed version into an
uncompressed version?


From: "Stonie Cooper" <stonewall@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Arthur A Person" <aap1@xxxxxxx>, ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 2:54:38 PM
Subject: Re: [ldm-users] NOAAPort NIDS versus files
The data on NOAAPort is compressed frame by frame via libz; once you 
uncompress, the data is identical.


On May 20, 2016 1:46:08 PM CDT, Arthur A Person <aap1@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Anyone know if the NOAAPort NIDS files are the same data as reside in
We are able to read the tgftp data using pyART but when we try reading the same 
NOAAPort NIDS data (e.g. differential reflectivity N0X),
we get an error "NotImplementedError: Level3 product with code 3338 is not 
supported".  Any ideas on what this error might mean?

Thanks...      Art

Arthur A. Person
Research Assistant, System Administrator
Penn State Department of Meteorology
email:  aap1@xxxxxxx, phone:  814-863-1! 563


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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Arthur A. Person
Research Assistant, System Administrator
Penn State Department of Meteorology
email:  aap1@xxxxxxx, phone:  814-863-1563

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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