Re: [ldm-users] LDM 6.13.0 released


Glad to hear you got it working.

The error-messages you got relate to the shared-memory segment that holds
metadata on all the upstream LDM processes. When a problem occurs with this
shared-memory segment, it's usually because someone or something has
deleted it (the ".gemenviron" script is notorious for deleting all
shared-memory segments that it can -- even ones that it shouldn't).

It's also possible that the O/S managed to mess-up access to the segment
(we've seen this on some virtual machines in the cloud).

Please contact support-ldm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you encounter further

Steve Emmerson

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 1:35 AM, Jeff Lake <jefflakejeff@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> got it working took a server reboot
> On 5/5/2016 2:05, Jeff Lake wrote:
> I am having problems with 6.13.0 on Centos7 64 bit
> ldm hangs starting:
> [ldm@www ~]$ ldmadmin start
> Checking the product-queue...
> Checking pqact(1) configuration-file(s)...
>     /home/ldm/etc/pqact.conf: syntactically correct
> Checking LDM configuration-file (/home/ldm/etc/ldmd.conf)...
> Starting the LDM server...
> start(): Server not started.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> ldmd.log<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> 20160505T055002.039609Z ldmd[22226] NOTE ldmd.c:957:main() Starting Up
> (version: 6.13.0; built: May  5 2016 05:10:29)
> 20160505T055002.039816Z ldmd[22226] NOTE ldmd.c:504:create_ldm_tcp_svc()
> Using local address
> 20160505T055002.040482Z ldmd[22226] NOTE
> rpcutil.c:126:local_portmapper_running() clnttcp_create() failure: : RPC:
> Remote system error - Connection refused
> *20160505T055002.040767Z ldmd[22226] ERROR semRWLock.c:139:createLock() No
> space left on device*
> 20160505T055002.040772Z ldmd[22226] ERROR semRWLock.c:139:createLock()
> Couldn't create semaphore set
> 20160505T055002.040775Z ldmd[22226] ERROR uldb.c:1934:uldb_create()
> Couldn't create lock component
> 20160505T055002.040778Z ldmd[22226] ERROR ldmd.c:1021:main() Couldn't
> create shared upstream LDM database
> 20160505T055002.040795Z ldmd[22226] NOTE ldmd.c:185:cleanup() Exiting
> 20160505T055002.040839Z ldmd[22226] NOTE ldmd.c:256:cleanup() Terminating
> process group
> 20160505T055002.040923Z ldmd[22226] WARN
> semRWLock.c:353:srwl_deleteByKey() No such file or directory
> 20160505T055002.040928Z ldmd[22226] WARN
> semRWLock.c:353:srwl_deleteByKey() Couldn't get semaphore set
> 20160505T055002.040930Z ldmd[22226] WARN uldb.c:2052:uldb_delete()
> Shared-memory database doesn't exist
> 20160505T055002.040933Z ldmd[22226] WARN uldb.c:2063:uldb_delete()
> Semaphore-based read/write lock doesn't exist
> 20160505T055002.040936Z ldmd[22226] WARN ldmd.c:282:cleanup() logl_free()
> called with the above messages still in the message-queue
> the error I highlighted makes no sense
> [ldm@www ~]$ df -h
> Filesystem             Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/md1               4.0G  377M  3.6G  10% /
> devtmpfs               3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev
> tmpfs                  3.9G  168M  3.8G   5% /dev/shm
> tmpfs                  3.9G  412M  3.5G  11% /run
> tmpfs                  3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
> /dev/mapper/vg00-usr    20G  4.8G   14G  26% /usr
> none                   3.9G  1.2M  3.9G   1% /tmp
> /dev/mapper/vg00-var   197G   27G  162G  15% /var
> /dev/mapper/vg00-home  694G   53G  613G   8% /home
> tmpfs                  798M     0  798M   0% /run/user/0
> tmpfs                  798M     0  798M   0% /run/user/497
> tmpfs                  798M     0  798M   0% /run/user/500
> tmpfs                  798M     0  798M   0% /run/user/499
> tmpfs                  798M     0  798M   0% /run/user/41
> -Jeff Lake
> On 5/4/2016 15:05, Steve Emmerson wrote:
> Dear LDM user,
> Version 6.13.0 of the LDM is now available at the following URL-s:
> LDM Homepage:
> htttp://
> LDM 6.13.0 Homepage:
> LDM Download Page:
> As you can see from the attached CHANGE_LOG file, the major new feature
> with this release is a new logging system. The previous system used the
> system logging daemon by default; the new system doesn't. Instead, it
> writes directly into the standard LDM log file by default. This change was
> made because the previous system caused problems and wasn't 100% reliable
> (see the attached CHANGE_LOG file for details).
> The format of log messages is slightly different. Here's an example of a
> log message from the previous system:
> May 02 2016 20:16:25 
> NOTE: Starting Up(6.12.14/6): 20160502191624.896 TS_ENDT {{ANY, ".*"}},
> SIG=b12852828dac75021ac15b7064439754, Primary
> And here's that same type of message in the new format:
> 20160429T155919.718276Z[21104] NOTE
> up6.c:445:up6_run() Starting Up(6.13.0/6): 20160429145918.709017 TS_ENDT
> {{GPS, "(.*)"}}, SIG=f2693a8f53ba6736843a5300e30b68fd, Primary
> Note the timestamp is now in ISO 8601 format (which should make sorting
> easier). It also has microsecond resolution and is guaranteed to be in the
> UTC timezone. Note also the field containing the local hostname is missing
> (it was added by the system logging daemon) and a new field has been added
> that specifies the location where the message was generated in the form
> *file*:*line*:*func*().
> Aside from slight differences in the format of log messages, you should be
> able to use the new logging system just like the previous one. In
> particular, you will still be able to send an LDM process a SIGUSR2 signal
> to rotate its logging level and the command ldmadmin newlog should still
> create a new LDM log file and rotate the names of the old ones.
> The old logging system still exists in the LDM library for
> backward-compatibility with third-party developers.
> Besides the new logging system, this version also has several other
> improvements and bug-fixes. See the attached CHANGE_LOG file for details.
> Regards,
> Steve Emmerson
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> =======Jeff Lake======
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> =======Jeff Lake======
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