Re: [ldm-users] question

Is there a list of all the data streams for NOAAPort products (the TAMU and NOTHER .... etc)?
Is this available maybe in McIDAS-V package?


On 3/3/2016 4:07 PM, Donna Cote wrote:

TAMU is a relay (and an upstream provider). It appears that UNIDATA is getting NOAAPort products. If your "allow" from TAMU doesn't restrict this feed, you should be able to see these products in your LDM queue.

"The NOTHER datastream along with all of the other datastreams that are populated with NOAAPort SBN products is readily available in the IDD; one does not need their own NOAAPort satellite ingest capability to have the feed."

On Mar 2, 2016 1:50 PM, "Justin Balbierer" <jbalbier@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:jbalbier@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi Donna -

    Does TAMU provide access to the NOTHER channel of LDM? I saw in a
    recent unidata message that simulated GOES-R comes in through the
    NOTHER feed.

    Best Regards,

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