[ldm-users] Testing to see if a METAR or RAOB report is included in your LDM Feed

Hi All

We are trying to add some obscure METAR / ASOS stations that we see in 
commercial software but we've had some difficulty seeing it in the LDM feed.

Is there a way to scan the LDM feed as it comes in to see if these METAR/SPECI 
reports are included in our streams?

Thanks Much
Bill Capehart <William.Capehart@xxxxxxxxx>   Associate Professor
Department of Atmospheric Sciences           AES PhD Coordinator
213 Mineral Industries Building             Skype/EVO: wcapehart
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology  Ph: +1-605-394-1994
501 East Saint Joseph Street                Fax: +1-605-394-6061
Rapid City, SD 57701-3995                Mobile: +1-605-484-5692
=================== http://capehart.sdsmt.edu ==================

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