Re: [ldm-users] Looking for some old data...

Thanks, Robert. I'll check it out. You're the second to recommend rda to me .


On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Robert Mullenax <
Robert.Mullenax@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> **
> Hi Gerry,
> I will reply-all since RDA is a great site..
> The UCAR RDA site has an archive from the Unidata feed and includes the
> RUC 80km. The site shows that RUC 80km from 2004 it is archived on tape and
> you will need to request it. You will need to register and then just do a
> search for RUC and you will find the Unidata archive.
> This is a fantastic source for archive data of all sorts. We use it all
> the time.
> Robert Mullenax
> CSBF Meteorology
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Gerry Creager -
> NOAA Affiliate
> Sent: Thu 6/6/2013 11:21 AM
> To: ldm-users; gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [ldm-users] Looking for some old data...
> This is off-topic but both groups have proven treasures of data
> availability info in the past, so here goes:
> I've a need for RUC data (no, not RAP; it didn't exist back then) for the
> period 2004-07-04_12z through 2004-07-06_12z. Looks like NOMADS only has 40
> and 80 km data, but I thought RUC was higher resolution than that, even in
> 2004.
> Anyone got data, or suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Gerry
> --
> Gerry Creager
> 405.325.6371
> ++++++++++++++++++++++
> "Big whorls have little whorls,
> That feed on their velocity;
> And little whorls have lesser whorls,
> And so on to viscosity."
> Lewis Fry Richardson (1881-1953)

Gerry Creager
“Big whorls have little whorls,
That feed on their velocity;
And little whorls have lesser whorls,
And so on to viscosity.”
Lewis Fry Richardson (1881-1953)
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