Re: [ldm-users] LDM 6.11.5: So far, thumbs up

I'll install it this week on my project here at OU (which is NOT the OU
SoM!). It's a quasi-operational environment, but also, one where I can
revert if I need to.


On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Gilbert Sebenste <
sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> We installed it on Friday here at NIU. All of it went without a hitch, and
> it's been running fine. I like the fact that we use a current version of
> libxml2 now; while offering no performance boost or issues, it's comforting
> to know that previous security holes found in libxml2 and libxml2-devel
> have now been "plugged" by using the latest, secure versions (assuming, of
> course, you update your operating system regularly...a given these days, I
> hope!).
> It's working on RHEL 6.4, CentOS 6.4, and the latest version of Ubuntu
> without a hitch...again, all of this since Friday at roughly 5 PM or so.
> Gilbert
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