Re: [ldm-users] GFS .5 degree resolution

Hi Paul, 

I can't answer your WXP question, but I am wondering if your GEMPAK file is 
using the default of a maximum of 5000 grids in the GEMPAK, and thus filling up 
by the time you are in forecast hour 42? (use gdinfo to see what the max. # of 
grids in the file is).  You can specify up to 29999 grids in a GEMPAK grid file 
by including the -n option on your dcgrib2 grib decoding entry in pqact.  If 
you are decoding every time step, you will likely fill reach that maximum of 
29999 by the time you get to 192 hours, so you may want to restrict what fields 
you want written to the GEMPAK file.



Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator 
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences   
University at Albany
Earth Science 235, 1400 Washington Avenue                        
Albany, NY 12222
Email: ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 518-442-4578                             

-----Original Message-----
From: ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Paul L. Sirvatka
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 1:17 PM
Subject: [ldm-users] GFS .5 degree resolution

I was hoping someone might be able to help me here. we are ingesting the gfs .5 
degree grid (gfs004) via conduit. As far as we can determine, the files are 
being saved correctly.

We are using WXP to display images but we cannot get WXP to read the 3 hour 
intervals, only the 6. Does anyone know if WXP *can* read them correctly?

Also, our gempak decoders are only giving us information to 42 hours rather 
than to 192 hours as they ought be. Are the new gempak decoder tables available?


* Paul L. Sirvatka          | Office: (630) 942-2118 BIC3501                 *
* Professor of Meteorology  | COD Weather Lab: (630) 942-2590                *
* College of DuPage         | Address: 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 *

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