Re: [ldm-users] new time server:

  • To: Peter Laws <plaws@xxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ldm-users] new time server:
  • From: Gerald Creager <gerry.creager@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 15:49:54 -0600
Over time, I hope to add a couple more time servers. I just think it'd be good to have several of us offer Stratum 1 time to the LDM community. That's what I did. And, yeah, I realize Stratum 2 is probably good enough, still...


Peter Laws wrote:
You should be adding it to your ntp.conf file.

I have three GPS clocks but I discourage folks from connecting to them directly. We have a set of 4 peers that are disciplined by the GPS units which protects users from failure of any of the GPS units (and two of them are way old - can you say "BNC for ethernet"?).


Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
On Tue, 8 Dec 2009, Gerald Creager wrote:

I've opened a new GPS-based time server for the LDM community at ( I'll also likely advertise this to the Internet2 community, but otherwise, it's not going to be widely advertised.

Thanks for doing this, Gerry! I'm adding it to my ldmadmin-pl.conf now.

******************************************************************************* Gilbert Sebenste ******** (My opinions only!) ****** Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University **** E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ***
web:                                      **

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