Re: [ldm-users] [conduit] GFS change at 1200 UTC 25 September?


NCEP posted a notice regarding change in the GFS postprocessor
with the 12Z Sep 25 run:

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 10:01 -0700, Harry Edmon wrote:
> I have had a couple of users complain about changes in the GFS data 
> starting with the 1200 UTC run on 25 September.  I notice there is a 
> jump up in the size of the gempak files starting with that run.  Does 
> anyone know of any changes?  If you are curious about what I am talking 
> about, look at this page, which uses the 0.5 degree data:
> Start the loop and look at the areas in white go from smooth to noisy 
> with the 1200 UTC 25th run.  Another user is now having problems with 
> his WRF initialization that he did not have before this.
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