[ldm-users] rpc program version mismatch?

We recently upgraded to the latest version of ldm and are now having trouble receiving data from one of our feeds (suominet data). Below is a collection of
ldmd.log file entries that we are getting...

Aug 29 19:16:23 cumulus suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu[898] NOTE: nullproc_6 failure to suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu; RPC: Program/version mismatch; low version = 4, high version = 5 Aug 29 19:16:23 cumulus suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu[898] NOTE: FEEDME(suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu): OK Aug 29 19:22:30 cumulus rpc.ldmd[887] NOTE: Denying connection from "suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu" Aug 29 19:33:28 cumulus suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu[898] NOTE: Connection timed-out Aug 29 19:33:28 cumulus suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu[898] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-class: 20070829183328.173 TS_ENDT {{GPS, ".*"},{NONE, "SIG=86dfa6bb7d318820538b852483a11f18"}} Aug 30 01:20:02 cumulus suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu[898] NOTE: Connection closed by upstream LDM Aug 30 01:20:37 cumulus suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu[898] NOTE: nullproc_6 failure to suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu; RPC: Timed out Aug 30 01:24:07 cumulus suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu[898] ERROR: Disconnecting due to LDM failure; Couldn't connect to LDM on suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu using either port 388 or portmapper; : RPC: Remote system error - Connection timed out Aug 31 01:20:57 cumulus suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu[898] ERROR: Disconnecting due to LDM failure; nullproc_6 failure to suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu; RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection reset by peer

Not sure what is going on. We made sure that the port (388) is open (cleared the firewall). Apparently the data were sporadically flowing when our ldm was using an unretricted port # - now nothing is flowing! The upstream provider notes that their ldmd.log file shows steady RPC unable to receive messages, and starting up messages that are logged before the error and exit messages from the last connection. They also get a similar RPC unable to receive message when they do an ldmping from suomildm1.cosmic.ucar.edu.

Any help would be appreciated.


Dr. Steven M. Lazarus, Associate Professor Marine and Environmental Systems, Florida Institute of Technology
150 W. University Boulevard Melbourne FL 32901
321-394-2160 (W)  321-674-7212 (Fax)       http://my.fit.edu/wx_fit

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