Re: pqact.conf error


I suspect that the decoder "decoders/" is crashing when invoked in the second manner. This hypothesis is consistent with the error-message from the "pqact" process.

The decoder process won't have a standard output or standard error streams; consequently, it must do explicit logging. If it does, then look at its log messages for a clue.

Steve Emmerson

Rout, Minaketan wrote:
Below entry on pqact.conf gives me error:

This config line works fine.

IDS|DDPLUS <TAB> ^(..)(..)([0-9]).* (....) ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-9][0-9]).*/p(CFW|FWF|NOW|SFP|ZFP|MAW|NSH|OFF|GLF|SRF|ADR)(...) <TAB> PIPE <TAB> -close<TAB> decoders/

This config line gives error message like below.

IDS|DDPLUS <TAB> ^(..)(..)([0-9]).* (....) ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-9][0-9]).*/p(CFW|FWF|NOW|SFP|ZFP|MAW|NSH|OFF|GLF|SRF|ADR)(...) <TAB> PIPE <TAB> -close <TAB> decoders/ <TAB> \8

Jul 10 19:46:53 pqact[28307] ERROR: pipe_prodput: trying again: 84808 20070710193046.366 IDS|DDPLUS 999 FPUS51 KBOX 101946 /pZFPBOX

Jul 10 19:46:53 pqact[28307] ERROR: pbuf_flush (793) write: Broken pipe

Jul 10 19:46:53 pqact[28307] ERROR: pipe_put: -closedecoders/my_decoder.plZFP write error

The difference between two entries is; on second config line I am passing argument to file. <TAB> are properly added at proper places.

Any clue will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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