Re: A disturbing lack of data

Hi Ben,

We find a lot of messages in our logs this morning which look
like this:

May 12 15:18:05 striker2 anvil(feed)[27191]: topo:
May 12 15:29:16 striker2 anvil(noti)[27462]: Starting Up(6.0.14/5):
20040512202823.588 TS_ENDT {{NLDN,  ".*"}}
May 12 15:29:16 striker2 anvil(noti)[27462]: topo:
May 12 15:34:46 striker2 anvil(noti)[27462]:
nullproc5( RPC: Unable to receive
May 12 15:38:06 striker2 anvil(feed)[27684]: up6.c:331: Starting
Up(6.0.14/6): 20040512193713.933 TS_ENDT {{NLDN,
May 12 15:38:06 striker2 anvil(feed)[27684]: topo:
May 12 15:38:06 striker2 anvil(feed)[27191]: up6.c:288: nullproc_6()
failure to RPC: Unable t
o receive; errno = Connection reset by peer
May 12 15:38:12 striker2 rpc.ldmd[24368]: child 27191 exited with status 5

If you are doing a notifyme, typically the data is sent out only once
every 5-6 minutes or so.

Hope this is of some help in finding where the problem lies.

Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator               **********************
Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences           ktyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
University at Albany, ES-235                    518-442-4578 (voice)
1400 Washington Avenue                          518-442-5825 (fax)
Albany, NY 12222                                **********************

On Wed, 12 May 2004, Ben Cotton wrote:

> Good morning,
> We rebooted anvil today because it doesn't play nice with the other
> children.  Unfortunately, they didn't give me time to politely stop LDM
> before the switch was thrown.  When anvil came back up I tried to start
> LDM (actually, first I 'stopped' it so that the file wouldn't
> cause trouble).  It started fine, but nothing came across.  So I remade
> the queue and tried again.  No dice.  A notifyme on,
> and doesn't show any data coming
> across either, but I don't think all of these major relays would go down
> without someone screaming loudly enough for me to hear.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Ben
> ====================
> Benjamin J. Cotton
> LDM/Forecast Game Administrator
> Dept of Earth and Atmos. Sci.
> Purdue University
> NOTICE:  The addresses for my e-mail and website
> will be changing soon.  Please note the new
> addresses below.  The old ones will not continue
> to work after sometime this summer!
> bcotton@xxxxxxxxxx
> (765)743-6083   (502)551-5403

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