notifyme(1) uses LDM-5 protocols (was: New NLDN feed machine)


>Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 11:05:14 -0600 (CST)
>From: "Mark J. Laufersweiler" <laufers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Organization: University of Oklahoma
>To: David Knight <knight@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: New NLDN feed machine

The above message contained the following:

> I have one question for support. When testing to check the status
> of the two strikers using notifyme, I get "Connected to upstream
> LDM-5", and yet both are running ldm-6 as seen in the ldmd.log?

You see that message because the notifyme(1) utility has not yet been
modified to use LDM-6 protocols.  Such a modification is low-priority

    1) The LDM-6 is completely backward-compatible with all the LDM-5
       utilities (including notifyme(1));
    2) The notifyme(1) utility is used only transiently; and
    3) The input feed to a notifyme(1) process consists of metadata
       only and, hence, is very small compared to an actual data feed.

I'll eventually get around to porting all the LDM utilities to the LDM-6
protocol suite.

Steve Emmerson
LDM Developer

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