Re: New NLDN feed machine


Congrats and thanks for providing this great data feed.

I have one question for support. When testing to check the status
of the two strikers using notifyme, I get "Connected to upstream
LDM-5", and yet both are running ldm-6 as seen in the ldmd.log?


On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, David Knight wrote:

> Hi all,
>     After more than 7 years of faithful service the time is
> near to retire With the help of a
> Unidata equipment grant we have bought a new machine to
> replace striker, which we unimaginatively named striker2.
> Striker2 will better handle the load when lightning season
> gets in full swing. It will also allow us to continue adding
> downstream feed sites.
>     If you request the NLDN feed from
> please change the request to
> We will leave striker up for now in case there are problems,
> but we plan to shut it down this spring. I'll send out a
> reminder once we have chosen a date. Let us know at
> support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you have problems with striker2.
> Thanks
> David
> David Knight
> Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences   Tel: (518)-442-4204
> UAlbany, SUNY   ES-228                         Fax: (518)-442-4494
> Albany, NY  12222                              Email: knight@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  Dr. Mark J. Laufersweiler     |
  School of Meteorology         |     Those who give up essential
  University of Oklahoma        |   liberties for temporary safety
  laufers@xxxxxx                | deserve neither liberty nor safety.
  (405) 325-6032                |             - Benjamin Franklin
  (405) 325-7689  (fax)         |

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