Re: Note about ldmarchive


But you don't seem to be getting FSL2 (6 min. wind profiler) data, as was
the case a couple of weeks ago.

Tom McDermott                           Email: tmcderm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Systems Administrator                   Phone: (716) 395-5718
Earth Sciences Dept.                    Fax: (716) 395-2416
SUNY College at Brockport

On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Daryl Herzmann wrote:

> Hi Everybody!
>       I just wanted to send a FYI to everybody regarding the data
> stored in the queue
>       Under normal operating conditions, I only request UNIDATA * and
> the local NEXRADs for the archive.  With a 3G queue, I have approximately
> 30 hours worth of data on hand.
>       Under special conditions like a couple of weekends ago, I will
> request ANY * from the upstream site.  This reduces the queue capacity to
> about < 10 hours, I think.  My memory is fading with my old age.
>       Anyway, every once in a while I will notice somebody failing over
> just to feed while motherlode is down or their upstream sites are both
> down.  Just realize that under normal conditions, ldmarchive will probably
> not have RADAR data for your site!!!
>       FYI, I am currently feeding ANY until motherlode comes back...
> Later,
>       Daryl
> --
> /**
>  * Daryl Herzmann (akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx)
>  * Program Assistant -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
>  *
>  */

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