Re: No can do on the new Redhat Kernel...

Debian is a linux distribution known to be much more conscious of binary and 
backwards compatibility.  This is mainly a result of their long release 
cycles. On the other hand, their stable distribution is still back on Kernel 
2.2.19 and Glibc 2.1.3.


On Wednesday 24 October 2001 10:58 am, Robert Mullenax wrote:
> That being said, I have also come to realize that no matter what I may
> think, the world is rushing headlong towards Linux.  Is there a
> distribution out there that is more conservative in it's approach to binary
> compatibility?

Andrew A. Neuschwander - andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxx
UNIX/Linux Systems, NASA Science Compute Facility
NTSG, School of Forestry, The University of Montana - (406) 243 - 6310

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