Re: ingest error

"Jason J. Levit" wrote:
>   Hi everyone,
>   I'm trying to receive data from another LDM machine, and the
> administrator of that computer is seeing this error in the log file:
> sign_on( 7: RPC: Authentication error; why = Client
> credential too weak
>   This is a first for me.  Does anyone know why this error occurs, and
> why it is preventing data from flowing?  Thanks for any help or
> information!
>   Jason
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jason J. Levit, N9MLA                      Research Scientist,
> jlevit@xxxxxx                Center for Analysis and Prediction of
> Storms
> Room 1022                                 University of Oklahoma
> 405/325-3503                    

Hi Jason,

Probably someone turned on some RPC authentication that is rejecting
your request.  There are different varieties of authentication.  The
three standard are: none (the default), UNIX-style, and Data Encryption
Standard (DES).  Home grown varieties are also possible.  The LDM
expects the default.  Your upstream host is apparently not using that.

This should be discussed with the system administrator of the upstream

Anne Wilson                     UCAR Unidata Program            
anne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                  P.O. Box 3000
                                  Boulder, CO  80307
Unidata WWW server

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