I'm in the middle of upgrading 6 machines. Yes. I had this problem
after compiling the new source on RH6.2 and RH7.0.
It is a pqact.conf problem. When I reused an old pqact from
a previous incarnation, it worked fine.
I also commented EVERYTHING out, and it fired up OK. Of course,
it did nothing. Soo, my initial assumption is that it probably isn't a
systemic problem, rather a configuration issue. I will get back to this,
probably next week, after the base installations for GemPAK and McIDAS are
complete. Then I'll have the decoders and display systems to verify the
Hope this helps!
At 08:43 PM 1/17/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>We are trying to get LDM's running on various machines here using data
>from our NOAAPORT
>ingestor. It is running fine on three machines that are requesting data
>from the ingestor,
>but one machine a Sun E220 running Solaris 7 will not start pqact and
>thus won't file any data.
>We are running 5.1.3 compiled(Sun and GCC) from source and have also
>tried 5.1.2 binaries. Pqact
>can be started by hand from the command line and data is then filed, but
>no matter what
>we have tried it won't start at ldmadmin start.
>The ldm itself is fine as we can feed other machines downstream from
>this machine
>with no problem.
>Does anyone have any ideas?
>Robert Mullenax
>Robert Mullenax
>Weather Systems Administrator
>Universal Weather and Aviation
>8787 Tallyho
>Houston, TX 77061
>Phone: 713-944-1622 ext 2223
>FAX: 713-943-4645
>Email: rmullenax@xxxxxxxxxxxx
James D. Marco, jdm27@xxxxxxxxxxx, jmarco1@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Programmer/Analyst, System/Network Administration,
Computer Support, Et Al.
Office: 1020 Bradfield Hall, Cornell University
Home: 302 Mary Lane, Varna (607)273-9132
Computer Lab: 1125 Bradfield (607)255-5589