Recommendations for Receiving Radar Data

Hello LDM/IDD Users,

There has been much interest in the community about receiving the
radar data that will become available on January 1, 2001.  We here at
the UPC are excited about the opportunity to provide that data via the

However, the volumes of radar data are large.  For this reason, it is
not feasible for all the radar data to be propagated in the usual

Instead, sites will be able to get "interesting" radar from
around the country via the radar floater feed.  Additionally, sites will be
able to get a small number of other radar products by requesting data
from one of the IDD's first tier sites.  A web page is currently
under construction that will list which first tier site you should
use.  An announcement will be sent when this page is ready.  Finally,
other servers are available to retrieve the data other ways.

In summary, to receive radar data we recommend that sites do the

1. From your main upstream feed, request the FNEXRAD feed type (for
sites running version 5.1.3 or later) or the NMC3 feed type (for sites
running version 5.1.2 or earlier) in order to get the floater NEXRAD

2. Visit the NEXRAD feed page.  (This page is under construction.  An
announcement will be sent when it is available.)  From the site
indicated as your NEXRAD feed, request products from a very small
number of radar sites using the NNEXRAD feed.  We recommend that no
more than three NEXRAD sites be requested initially.

3. For other radar products use the other servers available.

A longer version of this message containing more information is
available at  

We here at UPC greatly appreciate the cooperation of the community in
going through this transition.  This will truly be a community effort,
as the actions of any one site will have implications for all other
sites.  Thank you in advance for your support and patience.

We wish to gratefully acknowledge the generous help of Gilbert
Sebenste and Clint Rowe in helping us do some initial testing of
relaying of the radar data.  Thanks, guys!  We do have a great

Anne Wilson                     UCAR Unidata Program            
anne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                  P.O. Box 3000
                                  Boulder, CO  80307
Unidata WWW server

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