Re: [idvusers] 20150720: GOES Data Gaps


Thanks for the information, greatly appreciated.

For interactive users of IDV, it is relatively easy to switch servers. In our case, the bundles we run are via cronjob on a remote server, thus it is more challenging to tell IDV which source to grab data from (or to switch to a source which may have more current data). If there was some way to set an alias for motherlode/ to point to the server with the most current data, it would help. Something along the lines of LDM's primary/alternate settings in ldmd.conf, where it just works and the user doesn't have to think about it. The ISL tag of <datasource> eludes to possibilities with this. Just thinking out loud...


Tom Yoksas wrote:
Hi Brendon,

We've noticed some occasional gaps in GOES data via ADDE servers for
RTIMAGES (and sometimes in IDD feeds).  The most recent example: GOES-E
data via IDV stopped at 2145Z yesterday and resumed at 1645Z today.
Does anyone know why this may be happening?

Sometime after 21:45 UTC yesterday IDD data stopped being processed on, and is currently a pseudonym
for ADDE services on motherlode.  The strange thing about this outage
was that the LDM was still running on motherlode, IDD data was still
flowing into its LDM queue, but no products were being processed out of
the queue even though all 'pqact' instances that should be running were
running.  After being alerted by end-users that there was no new data
since Sunday afternoon (our automatic alert systems were not triggered
since the LDM was running and data was being received), we forceably
stopped motherlode's LDM, deleted and remade its LDM queue and restarted,
data processing as restored.

The motherlode clones that we operate were did not suffer the same
processing problem seen on motherlode, so the imagery record on those
machines should be complete.

Reminder: the motherlode-class machines we operate are: (aka,           (aka,

We apologize for the data outage; investigations are underway.


* Tom Yoksas                                            UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                 P.O. Box 3000 *
* yoksas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service                  *

Brendon Hoch, M.S.
Technology Manager
Judd Gregg Meteorology Institute
MSC 48, Boyd Hall 319
Plymouth State University
Plymouth, NH 03264
(603)535-2818 Fax: (603)535-2723

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