Re: [idvusers] How do you time step 3-hourly NARR data in the IDV?

Hi Mike...

The display rule is that if the data object has only one time, then it
is displayed along with all other "time steps"; hence, since both 18z
and 21z data have just one "time", they are displayed together.

I'm not familiar with the NARR data or how you are loading it, but
there are a couple of ways to make individual time period data be

1. using NCML to logically combine times
2. using the Chooser and picking more than one time/file using
SHIFT+click or CTRL+click
3. using the Formula under "Miscellaneous -> Make a time sequence from
single time grids"

Hope this helps.


On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 9:13 AM, Mike Umscheid <mike.umscheid@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> IDV Users,
> I'm not sure how many of you interrogate NARR datasets on the IDV, but I'm
> doing more of it now through the IDV using bundles and ISL scripts.  One
> big limitation I am finding is that I cannot time step/animate through more
> than one data file on the Map View pane.  For instance, if you load in
> fields from an 18z file and then also a 21z file, the IDV just displays the
> 21z data right on top of the 18z data.  How do you configure the IDV such
> that for these hourly dataset files you can create animations and step back
> and forth through various times?  Any help/guidance is appreciated!  Thanks,
> Mike U
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University of Wisconsin-Madison
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