Re: [gembud] Gempak-7.4.5.deb installation


GEMPAK works well, and quite stably for extended periods of time; but Mike is correct, it is best to compile from source, as is true with most systems. However, GEMPAK is not for the faint of heart, but if you love her, she will work with you, without fail or nary an issue

If you wish to use GEMPAK for specific needs in a production environment, such as deep meteorological analysis or climatological analysis, or for other stable specific needs, I will help walk you through the steps of a stable build since I've been using her from the beginning. One of the many great things about GEMPAK is that once she is built properly, she runs like a Pronghorn Antelope along the steppes of the Continental Divide, and one only need update a table or two for the occasional adaptation that is necessary.

Best of luck!


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